Ukraine crisis response, our latest impact report & more...

April 2022

preventing trafficking and exploitation with Ukrainian refugees

We regularly monitor events that will likely impact exploitation. With the recent invasion of Ukraine leading to severe disruption of supply chains and causing a refugee crisis in Europe, we are increasingly concerned about the impact of this conflict will have on the exploitation and trafficking of those whose vulnerabilities will have been exacerbated by this conflict.

We have launched a geo-targeted campaign across social media which aims to put preventative information into the hands of those most vulnerable who are travelling across borders and fleeing the conflict. In addition to this campaign, we are undertaking research interviews on trafficking risks and hotspots. The findings will feed into our prevention work as the crisis develops, and will be shared with other organisations working to help those most vulnerable to trafficking as a result of the conflict.

Neil Giles, Chief Executive Officer of Traffik Analysis Hub, states: “We know that Ukrainian citizens are represented in the exploited workforce in the United Kingdom as well as being strongly represented in seasonal agricultural workers arena. We also know that people on the move in large numbers are swiftly targeted by traffickers. We are keen to hear of any such criminal approaches and we will work with all our partners to spot the signs, and to undermine the trafficker networks’ capacity to recruit, exploit and profit from this disaster.” 

Our latest impact report is available

This year, we reached nearly 3 million vulnerable individuals through our digital campaigns, preventing recruitment in at-risk communities. We risk mapped £2.4 billion direct procurement spend across our business clients, mitigating MSHT risk in their operations.

Creating transparency is fundamental to how STOP THE TRAFFIK thinks, works and delivers change. We are using innovative technology to create the world’s richest picture of human trafficking. That intelligence is put to work to systemically disrupt human trafficking. You can stop what you can see. And we are seeing results.

Take a look at our latest impact report via the button below.

Our nationwide partnership with costa

We've built a trusted partnership with Costa Coffee over the last few years, helping them to ensure that they are an industry leader in ethical practices. Our latest project with Costa has seen prevention and awareness resources distributed nationwide to be displayed on community notice boards within their locations. This project will help us reach new audiences with vital information on how to identify potential exploitation, and what to do with their suspicions. 

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The Stop App

The first of its kind in combining; community empowerment, big data management and anti-trafficking expertise to disrupt, combat and prevent the global issues of human trafficking, modern slavery and exploitation.


Built by Mike Hewett