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Wednesday, April 13th, 2022

The Mask Problem


The Controllers of Money, Energy, and Food, Will Control the World: Can You Say ‘Covid’ and Ukraine False Flags?

Gary D. Barnett

No, Employers Do Not Have an Obligation to Accommodate Pregnant Women

Laurence M. Vance

If You Have Problems Trusting, You Will Have Problems Living A Life Of Freedom

Allan Stevo

Which Leads to Doom, Which Leads to Revival: Free Money or Frugality?

Charles Hugh Smith

The Riptide

James Howard Kunstler

The Wagen That’s Not for the Volk Anymore

Eric Peters

Sunday Talks, Fauci Warns of Potential Return of Indoor Mask Mandate

Last Refuge

If It Feels Like You’re Being Manipulated, It’s Because You Are

Caitlin Johnstone

A Fine Line

Taki Theodoracopulos

Message From Ukraine — Nukes Do Deter

Patrick J. Buchanan

Over 100,000 Released Documents Expose Covid Origin Fraud

Dr. Joseph Mercola

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