John -  
The Disney Corporation has no problem with praising, thanking, and associating with the Chinese Communist Party.

But a bill that bans grooming kindergarteners and indoctrinating them with LGBTQIAXYZ ideology? THAT was a bridge too far!

So now they’re targeting the free state of Florida and trying to use their woke corporate influence to keep the radical Left agenda alive and well in FL schools. We can’t let them get their way! >>

They’ve already canceled their actual founder, Walt Disney… We need to show these Woketopians they AREN’T going to cancel Florida now, too.
John, the Woke corporations will associate with a regime that puts people in internment camps…

But if Governor DeSantis stands against transgenderism in the kindergarten classroom, they lose their minds!

Now, they’re trying to use their power and influence to stop us from fighting for the rights of parents against this radical ideology. Will you make sure we have the resources to withstand this pressure?

Don’t let the Woke corporations win!!!
Thanks for standing strong,
Matt Gaetz
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