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Hey John!
We’re Shirleen Achieng and Eva-Vera Burns, Higher Education Program Participants at Immigrants Rising.

As part of our program, we developed a guide to help educators provide effective support for Black undocumented students. Drawn from research and experiences of directly impacted individuals, our goal is to create opportunities for Black undocumented students to thrive in institutions that were not made for us.

We’re thrilled to share our findings and recommendations with the Immigrants Rising community on Tuesday, April 19 at 1 p.m. PT / 4 p.m. ET.

What are some structural obstacles that hinder us from being able to succeed? What can educators, administrators, and institutions do to create a culturally competent environment to support equitable access? Our hope is that this webinar and the accompanying resource will help spark these changes in your institutions.


Supporting Black Undocumented Students Through Higher Education

Tuesday, April 19, 2022
1 p.m. PT / 4 p.m. ET
Register Here
This is only the first of many steps that it will take to overcome institutional barriers that pervade higher education for Black undocumented students. But taking this first step will set you and your institution to succeed. Let’s build together.

Thanks for all you do,
Shirleen & Eva

Shirleen Achieng and Eva-Vera Burns
Higher Education Program Participants
Immigrants Rising
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