
The latest Consumer Price Index numbers were released this morning, and while many in the press have been shocked to see inflation hit 8.5%, this is only a confirmation for millions of Americans who are struggling to make ends meet for their families.

Biden’s vast and unchecked spending, coupled with hostility to American energy development have caused this disastrous situation for our country.  

It’s time for new leadership and fortunately, we have the opportunity this year to elect leaders who are committed to policies to drive growth and opportunity: expand American energy development, secure our borders to stop the drug cartels and human traffickers, stop government regulation that kills jobs, quit paying people NOT to work, and focus government spending on core priorities. 

But, we’re going to need your help to get America back on track. If you have the means, here is the link to support my campaign:

For a stronger American economy, 
Beth Van Duyne

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