Arise Update

In This Issue...

April 12, 2022


Arise legislative recap: April 12, 2022

Arise's Robyn Hyden breaks down successes and missed opportunities from the Alabama Legislature's 2022 regular session, which ended Thursday night. She highlights breakthroughs on federal ARPA funds, postpartum Medicaid extension and criminal justice reform, among other issues.

Alabama Arise: Highs and lows: Alabama Arise's look back at the 2022 regular session

Arise didn't get every good bill across the finish line or stop every harmful legislative effort from happening. But we saw real progress on several important issue priorities this year. On our blog, Arise's Rebecca Howard recaps some of the key bills we supported and opposed this year.

Alabama Arise: TODAY! The Economic Impact of Expanding Medicaid: A PARCA Report

Medicaid expansion would be a major financial benefit for Alabama and would have a significant economic impact across the state, according to a recent report from the Public Affairs Research Council of Alabama. Join us virtually tonight, Tuesday, April 12, at 6 p.m. for a presentation of the findings in The Economic Impact of Expanding Medicaid in Alabama. Jennifer Green, director of the Center for Economic Development and Business Research at Jacksonville State University, will present the report findings and answer questions about the data.

Alabama Arise: Register now for our 2022 regular session wrap-up!

Join us online on Tuesday, April 19, at 6 p.m. for an in-depth review of what happened during the Legislature's 2022 regular session. We also will discuss next steps to keep moving our vision of a better Alabama forward! Register at the link below. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email with information about joining the meeting. Bills about children and gender identity bring Alabama legislative session to divisive finish summarizes the legislative session, including Arise's decades-long advocacy for the end of the state grocery tax. Despite multiple bills that would eliminate the tax while protecting education funding, Alabama remains one of just three states with no tax break on groceries. 


Alabama Arise: Alabama Arise toolkit on the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) 

The Legislature may not be done yet. We anticipate a potential special session later this year on the allocation of Alabama's remaining federal ARPA relief funding. Use our toolkit to speak out about how this money can and should be used to drive transformative change in your community. Archibald: Nothing costs more than having no money columnist John Archibald describes the struggle that many Alabamians face when dealing with high fines and fees in communities across the state. "If you can’t pay the story is dramatically different. Perhaps you are put on a payment plan, or your driver's license is suspended for unpaid traffic debt. You are forced to make that decision to break the law by going to work, or to abide by it and stay home." 


Alabama Arise: What can one person do? 30 action steps

Arise organizing director Presdelane Harris identifies 30 ways that individuals can support the advocacy work of Alabama Arise, both during legislative sessions and throughout the year.

Alabama Arise: LIVE BLOG: Alabama’s 2022 legislative session

Stay up to date with the 2022 legislative session. Our website has a live feed of Alabama Arise’s Twitter account, which will display information related to our 2022 issue priorities as well the latest news from our staff and members of the media.

Bills we watched

The Alabama Legislature ended its 2022 regular session April 7. Check out Arise's Bills of Interest page here to learn what happened with legislation related to our members' interests. 


Alabama Arise

P.O. Box 1188, Montgomery, Alabama 36101

(334) 832-9060  ·  [email protected]

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