![]() Patriot, This week, the world heard the screams of 25 million people in Shanghai, imprisoned in concrete apartments, sick and starving. Some people have been completely barred from leaving their homes to get supplies for more than two weeks. No one is allowed to leave their residential compounds, even to buy food. It’s the world’s largest concentration camp. “Outside my apartment, hazmat-suited community workers lead me and my neighbors in a socially distanced
procession past our locked front gate, the only time I'm allowed out of my apartment. But they never lead us out of the gate – it's been sealed
with padlocks and bicycle locks for more than three weeks,” a CNN correspondent reported. “As we walk to a table covered with a blue tent where medics are waiting to administer the test, I feel a surge of emotions – relief at being allowed out into the fresh air and spring sunshine, and anxiety – what if I test positive? “I worry about being sent to Shanghai's spartan quarantine system for days or weeks. Images of the facilities suggest I could face cramped, unsanitary conditions with overflowing trashcans, no running water, and dirty communal toilets. “But I'm more uneasy about what may happen to Chairman, my rescue dog,” the reporter concluded, because the Chinese government kills the pets of those who test positive for Covid. This atrocity should serve to remind all Americans: Never, ever give up your firearms. Your right to keep and bear arms is the distinction between being a citizen and being a subject. And make no mistake, with the recent incidents in Brooklyn and Sacramento, the Biden regime is hell-bent on disarming the American people. This week, Joe Biden announced a new plan to flout the Constitution and ban Americans from building their own firearms – something Americans have done throughout America’s history. The target is not criminals who break the law, but law-abiding American firearm enthusiasts. Let me say it as clearly as possible: criminals do not obey laws – Biden’s bans will not affect them in ANY way! Of course, Biden’s Bans are nothing but a political game to find a scapegoat for the skyrocketing violent crime in American cities. The real cause of the crime is the George Soros-funded radical activist prosecutors, the “defund the police” campaign, and the crumbling American economy. So naturally, Joe Biden blames the guns themselves, not the criminals who use them. But the most serious, immediate threat to law-abiding gun owners is Biden’s new pick to head the ATF, radical gun-grabber Steve Dettelbach. Tell your U.S. Senators
to OPPOSE Steve Dettelbach! Steve Dettelbach is currently endorsed by Everytown – a gun control group dedicated to restricting, and eventually eliminating, the constitutional right to keep and bear arms. We need every patriot to voice their opposition to Dettelbach’s confirmation. That means signing the petition at the links above and below, and passing this message on to your pro-2A friends. Gun owners can defeat this nomination – we’ve done it before. You helped defeat the Deep State’s first pick as head of the ATF, David Chipman, last year because he quite clearly didn’t want to uphold the Second Amendment. And Steve Dettelbach is an even worse anti-gun extremist than Chipman. Dettelbach is a former U.S. Attorney under Barack Obama and ran for (and lost) Attorney General of Ohio. His hatred of gun owners was a central campaign theme. Dettelbach’s platform as a failed candidate for Attorney General of Ohio included: * A total ban on household firearms like the AR-15, the most popular rifle in America, and the
magazines needed to use them. He campaigned on bringing felony charges against millions of law-abiding Americans who own these rifles. * Creating a national firearms registry, something that is illegal under the law. This is a critical piece of the left’s long-term plan to confiscate all firearms. * Prohibiting gun owners with a variety of misdemeanor convictions from buying firearms. The goal, of course, is to disarm millions of non-felon gun owners. Take one moment to contact your U.S. Senators and oppose anti-gun extremist Steve Dettelbach. Tell your Senators NOW:
DON’T LET THIS FANATIC CONTROL THE ATF! Dettelbach’s hatred of guns and gun owners is why Barack Obama and Joe Biden supported him when he ran for Attorney General of Ohio in 2018. Of course, every anti-gun organization in America is supporting him for the same reason. Dettelbach also supports “Red Flag” legislation, which is gun confiscation without due process of law. The targets of these laws are law-abiding gun owners, who are typically the victims of false accusations by upset partners or other personal enemies. Most “Red Flag” laws do not provide penalties for false accusations, and the ones that do are basically a slap on the wrist. Based on a mere accusation, a law-abiding gun owner is subjected to an "ex parte" hearing (a secret court proceeding in which the gun owner is not allowed to offer any exonerating evidence and isn't even informed of the hearing). Victims are almost always deemed guilty. These laws specifically target law-abiding citizens who have not committed a crime; in other words, it’s an unconstitutional “pre-crime” program similar to what you’d expect to see in Communist China (hence the term “Red Flag”). Tell your U.S. Senators to OPPOSE Steve Dettelbach!
Your senators need to hear from you – especially if they are Democrats, but we both know there are enough anti-gun Republicans as well who won’t hesitate to cave so they too must be contacted . . . . . . and they must speak out NOW and oppose Steve Dettelbach and his anti-Second Amendment views! Biden’s poll numbers are abysmal, and Washington Swamp Democrats are very nervous about confirming an anti-gun lunatic with the midterms approaching. The confirmation of Ketanji Brown Jackson with unanimous Democrat support (along with Republicans Susan Collins of Maine, Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, and Mitt Romney of Utah) is disheartening, but it was part of a narrative they are married to. The ATF Director is not the hill Democrats want to die on. But don’t be fooled into thinking Senate Republicans will stand in unison against this zealot. Weak-kneed Republicans like Iowa Senator Joni Ernst, Florida Senator Marco Rubio, and others have a history of compromising on your gun rights. An outpouring of opposition to Steve Dettelbach is what it will take to strengthen their spines. But they need to hear from you, right now. DEMAND your U.S. Senators
oppose the nomination of anti-gun fanatic Steve Dettelbach! Sign the petition to defeat Steve Dettelbach and make your voice heard and defeat this nomination. And then, please make a contribution to Campaign for Liberty to help us continue to spread the word and mobilize patriots like you. We need to reach many more Americans and activate them to be involved for liberty’s sake too. The serious battles coming at you and me this year demand action – and they won’t be easy to win . . . or cheap. The writing is on the wall. Even Democrats are admitting a Red Wave is likely in November. That’s why they’re stepping up their game to please their anti-gun allies. So please chip in $10, $20, $50, or whatever you can afford to help us fight back and WIN. If you and I stand together, we can stop this radical nominee, as we did David Chipman last year. Thanks for all you do for Liberty, John McCardell Executive Director Campaign for Liberty P.S. This is a battle we can win! Just like we helped defeat David Chipman, we can defeat Steve Dettelbach. Please sign your petition in opposition to Steve Dettelbach and defend the Second Amendment. And then make a donation to help us mobilize more patriots to defend our constitutional rights. Donate at this link! If you’d prefer to donate via PayPal, please click here. The mission of Campaign for Liberty is
to promote and defend the great American principles of individual liberty, constitutional government, sound money, free markets, and a constitutional
foreign policy, by means of education, issue advocacy, and grassroots mobilization. |
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