Friend, I wanted you to be among the first to know that Common Cause has just taken a major action.
We’re officially calling on Congress to impeach President Trump and remove him from office.
Until today, Common Cause has never called for a president’s removal in our 50-year history. Impeachment is an extraordinary measure -- one that We the People put in place only for the most extraordinary circumstances.
But impeachment and removal is the necessary response to the President’s actions -- not just one scandal, but repeated, shameless wrongdoing.
Bribery. Abuse of power. Obstruction of justice. Corruption. Condoning Trump’s behavior -- through inaction -- would be a permanent stain that our democracy might never recover from.
I knew we wouldn’t be able to take this on UNLESS members like you were behind us. That’s why, last Sunday, I asked Common Cause members to weigh in -- and 91% of you agreed that it was time to take this momentous step.
So, this morning, Common Cause staff and volunteers are hand-delivering to every member of Congress nine detailed articles of impeachment we’ve drafted -- including President Trump soliciting a bribe from Ukraine’s government, accepting foreign emoluments, inviting foreign interference in our elections, profiting from his office, and more.
Today, I’m asking every Common Cause member to join with us by taking these 3 actions:
First, read our nine articles of impeachment against President Trump at Please share this with your friends, family, and neighbors -- and go the extra mile by delivering a copy to your representative’s local office in person >>
Next, make sure your Member of Congress knows where you stand -- by telling your Representative to do their constitutional duty and vote for impeachment. Enter your address to see what they’ve said already, then call and write to them directly.
And, if you want to make an even bigger impact, sign up to join a Trump Is Not Above The Law rally near you.
Finally, this Sunday, join Common Cause experts for a special members-only webinar. We’ll walk through our case for Trump’s impeachment and removal, and answer all of your questions about what’s coming next. Please join us at 7 p.m. ET/4 p.m. PT this Sunday, Nov. 24. And if you can’t make it, sign up to receive a copy of the recording.
This isn’t just about Donald Trump. It is about making clear that in America, nobody, including the President of the United States, is above the law.
President Trump has shown no interest in safeguarding American elections, and actually welcomed foreign interference in 2020. He has abused his power by putting his own political advantage above the national security interests of the United States. And he has repeatedly corrupted his public office to serve his own private business interests.
Simply put, President Trump is a danger to the integrity of our government, the safety of our citizens, and trust in our democratic institutions.
We do not come to this decision lightly. We’ve spent the last three years following the facts, carefully documenting President Trump’s violations and abuses of power, and urging members of both parties in Congress to hold the administration accountable. We did this all while moving powerful democracy reforms on the state and national level, including the passage of H.R. 1, the For the People Act, in the House of Representatives.
Impeachment is in the Constitution precisely for a situation like the one we’re in: an out-of-control president acting as if they are totally above the law.
As we take on this new, generation-defining fight, we can’t and won’t abandon any of the critically important work we’re already doing: like ending gerrymandering, protecting voters’ rights, ensuring a fair 2020 Census, and putting We the People ahead of Big Money.
Silence in this moment would tell future presidents and future generations that this kind of conduct is acceptable. If we allow this unprecedented assault on our democratic norms, values, institutions, and laws, then what do we stand for?
Friend, this is a challenging and scary moment for our nation. But our democracy’s greatest triumphs have always come after its darkest moments.
That’s why I truly believe that -- if we all stand together, answer the call of this moment, and recognize that We The People hold the real power in our democracy -- we will emerge from the Trump Era even stronger.
Because of the actions of ordinary, but extraordinary people like you, we will leave a free and fair democracy for the next generation. That’s been our mission for 50 years, and in this moment, it’s simply too important to do anything less.
In Common Cause,
Karen Hobert Flynn, President
and the team at Common Cause