IMPORTANT NOTICE: Your 1776 Donor Club Membership MUST be renewed
Kindly renew before midnight TONIGHT so there’s no lapse in your membership!
AS YOU KNOW, the Trump Patriot movement is unstoppable. From Florida to California, millions of freedom-loving Americans have shown their support for President Trump. But only the most dedicated were invited to join the 1776 Donor Club: including you!
Will you decide to step up to the plate one more time for Trump and for America and renew your 1776 Donor Club Membership? We are ONLY inviting our TOP Trump Patriots to re-up their status as a member.
245 years ago, our Founding Fathers declared independence and embarked on the greatest experiment in history: AMERICA. They laid the plans for a new nation built on the ideals of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. But now, those freedoms are under attack. And the Radical Left will not stop until they have dismantled this great nation from the inside out.
That’s why we’re asking top patriots, like yourself, to fight the good fight and keep America free from Pelosi’s socialist agenda. We will not win this fight alone. We are depending on you to renew your membership...
America’s Founders fought for our independence from big government. Now you’ve got the chance to do the same. Chip in $17.76 ASAP!
Thank you,
1776 Donor Club
P.S. House Republicans are only inviting our TOP Trump Patriots to renew their membership. Don’t let us down by wasting your chance!
Pelosi’s raising MILLIONS and spending MILLIONS MORE attacking freedom-loving patriots across the nation. We need each and every patriot who sees this to join the fight. If we fall even a dollar short, we will lose the House to Pelosi FOREVER.
Thank you for your continued support and thank you for being a dedicated member of our team.
Paid for by the NRCC and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.
320 First St SE
Washington, DC 20003
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