IFPA Celebration Health Update
Hello, Relatives!

It was great to be in community with those who attended the Indian Family Protection Act celebration. It was an honor to be among your families and to hear all the stories, gratitude, and prayers. 

As we continue to celebrate our success and care for each other; today, we received confirmation that someone who attended our IFPA celebration tested positive for covid. We remain in conversation with our partner organization who co-hosted the event and understand that everyone is doing well given the circumstances. 

We would like to share some covid resources with you.

If you are testing at home, here is a helpful guide to testing:

Here are a few links for local testing

Here is a link on how to care for someone with Covid

If you have any questions or may need additional support from CSVANW, please contact Ryder Jiron [email protected]

We wish you all good health and joy. 

-The Coalition to Stop Violence Against Native Women

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