Dear John,

You may know me best from my brief stint as Donald Trump’s Communications Director. While I might have only served in that role for 11 days, I learned a lifetime’s worth of lessons in how Washington functions and how fragile our democracy is. Let me explain.
In a healthy democracy, reason and compromise are characteristics to be admired, not admonished. But to the very vocal minority in Congress using their platforms to spread extreme rhetoric, reason is a sign of weakness and compromise is a dirty word. The Trump White House amplified these extreme voices, and I understand the role I played in helping. I’m working hard to correct those mistakes.


That’s why I’m proud to be on the Renew America Movement Advisory Board today. RAM has identified the worst of these divisive figures in Congress and is working to oust them from public office. But to do that, they need your help. I’m asking you to give $11 (or more) to the Renew America Movement - a dollar for each day I spent working in the Trump White House, making things worse, not better. 
Hyper-partisanship is keeping our elected officials from doing what they are sent to Washington to do - work for us. I saw first-hand how the vocal minority drowned out the majority of voices calling for reason and working toward compromise. This is why we need your support today to help us defeat these voices and rebuild a common-sense coalition in Washington.
Thank you in advance for your support.
Anthony Scaramucci
RAM Advisor 


Thank you so much for joining our movement to renew America! We're working to restore a common-sense coalition in American politics from the voting booth, to the halls of Congress and state capitols, and in communities across America — we're so glad to have you with us!

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Renew America Movement
700 Pennsylvania Ave SE
Washington, DC 20003
United States