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Our mission:
What we do:
We uphold reasoned scholarship and civil debate in America’s colleges and universities. We defend academic freedom of faculty members and students. We believe colleges should respect the freedom of individuals to make up their own minds. We affirm that such intellectual freedom must be anchored in the honest pursuit of the truth.
We expect persons and ideas to be judged on merit, and colleges and universities to provide for fair competition between views.
The liberal arts are the core subjects that a free people should know. They are foundational to higher education.
We believe colleges and universities should train rising generations in virtuous citizenship, which broadly means upholding the rule of law and taking a positive role in shaping public life.
Individual Advocacy Defend academic freedom of faculty members, students, and others.
Research Reports Investigate issues affecting academic freedom, and the integrity, purpose, and neutrality of the university.
Public Advocacy Educate the public about policies and legislation that would preserve the liberal arts and protect academic freedom.