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Hi ,

We notice you have not registered yet for the 2022 Just Economy Conference and Virtual Advocacy Week. Will you join us and make your voice heard?

Register now for a discounted ticket to the conference and tell us if you will join us for Virtual Advocacy Week. We want to keep you informed on when meetings with your policymakers will take place.  

A draft schedule for NCRC members to meet their policymakers is listed below. 
*Note this schedule is subject to change. 
**This benefit is available to NCRC members only.
Virtual Advocacy Week: June 6-10
Date                           States
Monday, June 6          AL, AR, CO, MD, MN, NE, NH, SC,TX
Tuesday, June 7         DC, IN, ME, MA, MS, NV, NC, OR, VA, WA
Wednesday, June 8   AK, AZ, DE, FL, GA, LA, NJ,RI, TN, WI
Thursday, June 9       CA, CT, IL, IA, KY, MI, MO, NY, OH, PA
Friday, June 10          HI, PR

Not an NCRC member? Join NCRC today and then register for the conference. Please remember to indicate that you want to attend Advocacy Week on your registration. If there is no representation from a state or congressional district, we may be unable to schedule a meeting.
Register Now
We can’t wait to “see” you,
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