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Dear John,
A Mercy For Animals investigator uncovered immense suffering at a farm that raises chickens for an ALDI supplier.
Footage shows days-old chicks suffering from severe open wounds and other serious injuries. Live chickens are tossed onto piles of their dead flockmates and left to be crushed by the corpses thrown on after them.
Our investigation exposed unthinkable cruelty. Will you join us in taking action, John?
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We also documented serious and pervasive welfare issues, such as the suffering caused by rapid growth and filthy, overcrowded, and unnatural living conditions.
ALDI has no animal welfare measures in place to prevent the worst systemic abuse chickens face in factory farms. You can help defend chickens in ALDI's supply chain.
You can hold ALDI accountable, John.
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ALDI also ranked in the lowest tier for chicken welfare standards in our newly released retailer report. ALDI must do better.
You have the power to influence ALDI to reduce suffering for animals. Speak up for chickens today.
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With hope,
Leah Garcés
P.S. Thanks to your tireless efforts, other major retailers, including Costco, Sprouts, Giant Eagle, Natural Grocers, Kroger, and Albertsons, have recently taken steps to address chicken welfare. Thank you for taking action today to urge ALDI to follow their lead
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