Register now for the 35th European Green Party Council
We invite you to join us in Riga, Latvia, on 3-5 June 2022. We are looking forward to gathering as a family once again in these unique times to shape our political action and elect the new Committee of the European Green Party. Come participate and contribute your ideas on how to fight for a more free, peaceful, and democratic Europe that addresses the social, economic and climate crises today.
News from our member parties
Congratulations to our Dutch member party GroenLinks for their best ever local election results! They are the largest party in 27 municipalities and have increased their number of local councillors from 611 in the last elections (2018) to 624. GroenLinks were already making an impact on the local level before, and are now becoming a stronger political force for Green values.
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Stop Putin, stop the Rosatom nuclear power plant
Our co-chair, Thomas Waitz was in Hungary to visit the Hungarian Greens LMP. At the construction site of the planned Rosatom nuclear power plant in Paks, he met with Parliamentary Group Leader Dr. Keresztes László Lóránt. They voiced their unwavering support to the people of Ukraine in their fight against President Putin’s aggression and reiterated the need for the EU to guarantee its energy independence from Russian raw materials and fossil fuels. In the current circumstances, building new energy infrastructure reliant on state owned Russian companies and loans from banks under EU sanctions is unacceptable. Together with the Hungarian Greens, the European Greens are proud
advocates of expanding renewable energy production capacities in Europe.
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These are the new co-chairs of the Bulgarian Greens
Congratulations to Dobromira Kostova and Vladislav Panev, who were elected as co-chairs of our Bulgarian member party Zeleno Dvizhenie! We look forward to working with them in our common fight for a greener and fairer Europe.
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Green coalition in Serbia enters Parliament and Belgrade city Council
Congratulations to the MORAMO coalition, our partners in Serbia, for their results in the Serbian general elections. We are proud to see their pro-European, Green-minded MPs join the National Assembly and the Belgrade Parliament! We look forward to continuing our work with them for a Green Belgrade and Serbia.
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Podcast: Green Talking Heads
Listen to the newest episode of the Green Talking Heads on the Digital Services Act (DSA), and how this new piece of EU legislation will regulate our digital platforms and enhance our democracies in the process.
Episode 11
'Why the Digital Services Act is critical to uphold democracy. Pt. 1'
with Alexandra Geese
Green Member of the European Parliament
Film screening: the Green Screen
Maidan: The people of Ukraine’s fight for freedom and democracy
Last month, we featured the documentary film 'Maidan' (2014) and held a debate on the people of Ukraine's struggle for freedom and democracy. It chronicles the civil uprising against the regime of President Yanukovych, which took place in Kyiv in the winter of 2013-2014. The film follows the progress of the revolution: from peaceful rallies, half a million strong, in Maidan Square, to bloody street battles between protestors and riot police. The film is a portrait of an awakening nation rediscovering its identity. Director Sergei Loznitsa rises above current political issues and looks at the nature of the
popular uprising as a social, cultural and philosophical phenomenon. Read the debate highlights now on our website.
tilt! - The ChangeMaking Network
Stop mega-polluters profiting from blocking climate action
The Energy Charter Treaty (ECT) is an international trade deal that allows energy companies like Shell, Uniper and RWE to use a shady arbitration court to sue governments for compensation when climate policies get in the way of their profits. This means private companies can threaten or block climate policy while raking in billions of euros – at the expense of citizens and the planet. The Greens/EFA in the European Parliament are demanding an exit from the Energy Charter Treaty. Support our call and sign the petition.
Follow us on social media to keep up to date with the latest news. Here are some of the most important stories from the last weeks.
News from partner organizations
Are you committed to a green future for Europe? Join us in our mission! For our Events Coordinator position we are looking for somebody who has 2-3 years experience in event organisation and project management. For our Finance Manager position we are seeking somebody with 5-7 years experience in book keeping
and accounting, and good knowledge of general financial regulations.
Upcoming GEF events:
Since the war in Ukraine began, the Green European Journal has been publishing articles and interviews to look into the regional context and impacts, the role of media and civil society, and the energy and environmental dimension, as well as its implications for the future of the European Union. Here's what the Journal has published so far.
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European Greens © 2022 Funded by the European Parliament. Sole liability remains with the author.