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McCarthyism re-emerging stronger than ever in Ukraine policy debates

By Ted Galen Carpenter on Apr 11, 2022 03:07 am

Zealous anti-Russia voices are actually demanding that anyone opposing their views be silenced, and even criminally prosecuted.
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Johnny get your gun … and go to Ukraine?

By Jeff Groom on Apr 08, 2022 03:36 am

Responding to headlines and images and a call of duty, recent US veterans are leaving to fight the Russians. It's not a good idea.
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What the leadership shake-up in Yemen means for the ongoing war

By Annelle Sheline on Apr 07, 2022 01:07 pm

With a War Powers Resolution looming in Congress to end the US role, the Saudi-led coalition may be seeing the writing on the wall.
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What can the US really do to protect civilians in Ukraine?

By George Beebe on Apr 07, 2022 10:13 am

Our record for improving conditions with military intervention is, while well-intentioned, riddled by failure. There's a better way.
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Torture killed every single avenue for 9/11 terror prosecution

By John Kiriakou on Apr 07, 2022 03:37 am

What happens when suspects have permanent brain damage? America is about to find out as plea deals replace anticipated trials.
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How Facebook and weapons industry are profiting from the Ukraine war

By Eli Clifton on Apr 07, 2022 03:00 am

A big-tech/arms makers coalition is hyping the threat from Russia and China to stave off government regulation, and more.
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The Ukraine war has ushered in a new global nuclear (dis)order

By Aderito Vicente on Apr 06, 2022 03:00 am

Here are five ways we can safely say that even before the Russian invasion, non-proliferation was under pressure and on the skids.
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