Dear John, It’s happening. The British media have woken up to the importance of our progressive, Green policies and we are now pushing the climate emergency agenda in the media. It’s been an incredible week for the Greens in the news. Our TV broadcast featuring Caroline Lucas reached 7 million potential Green voters and was the most watched thing on TV at that time. We’ve had the best coverage of our manifesto launch ever, with our press phone ringing off the hook since. You may have also seen our leaders Amelia, Jonathan and Sian, working every hour of the day appearing in TV debates and interviews. Channel 4 have just announced a Climate Debate with party leaders. This will be our opportunity to show Greens are really leading the way in fighting the climate emergency and to hold the other parties to account on their green credentials Whilst we wait for the debate date to be announced, tune in to Jonathan Bartley on Sophy Ridge this Saturday morning to see him explain the impact that more Green MPs in Parliament will have. Thank you for supporting the Greens and and helping to put the climate emergency at the top of the media agenda! Best wishes, James Rush PS. Don’t forget to join the Greens today and help us reach more potential voters through our social media, public election broadcasts and canvassing campaigns on the ground. Every single member makes a difference!
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Promoted by Judy Maciejowska on behalf of the Green Party, both at The Biscuit Factory, Unit 215 J Block, 100 Clements Road, London, SE16 4DG, United Kingdom
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