Please join us for the inaugural "lunch and learn" discussion series hosted by Enlace, a joint project of Identity and the University of Maryland School of Public Health. Enlace links research and community to advance the well-being of Latino families.
Encuentros: an innovative intervention to support emotional health in the Latino immigrant community
Preliminary data show that community-led emotional support groups (Encuentros) help parents and youth better manage stress, anxiety, and sadness in themselves and in their families. How can this promising approach help address the growing mental health crisis and shortage of clinicians in this country?
Presenters:  Amy Lewin, PsyD and Kevin Roy, PhD, University of Maryland School of Public Health; Carolyn Camacho, Program Director, Identity, Monica Wainbarg, Program Manager, Identity and Community Mental Health Workers
Moderator:  Diego Uriburu, Executive Director, Identity

Tuesday, April 19, 2022 | Noon - 1 PM
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Expanding our understanding of childhood trauma in Central American immigrant youth
Central American immigrant youth suffer disproportionately from structural (vs familial) forms of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES). How should models of care and healing be adapted?
Presenter: Andrew Conway, PhD

Tuesday, May 3, 2022 | Noon - 1 PM
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Post traumatic resilience and other psychological growth among immigrant youth from Central America
Immigrant youth from Central America exhibit tremendous psychological resilience and growth, despite having endured significant trauma and adversity. Many of them express optimism, gratitude, pride, and a strong sense of purpose. How can this growth be further cultivated through programming and policies?
Presenters:  Amy Lewin, PsyD and Kevin Roy, PhD

Tuesday, May 17, 2022 | Noon - 1 PM

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Since 2018, researchers in the School of Public Health at the University of Maryland, College Park, have worked closely with leaders of Identity, Inc., to develop, implement, and assess programming for immigrant Latino youth and their families. This ongoing practice/research relationship combines the expertise of long-standing advocacy and effective youth and family programming with theoretically-informed basic and evaluation research in public health and family science.
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