From Chip Roy <[email protected]>
Subject He started a fire during BLM Riots and killed a father...
Date April 12, 2022 12:44 AM
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Fight Biden's Woke Justice Department! ([link removed])
Fellow Conservative,

While parents are labelled domestic terrorists and questioning media narratives gets you "cancelled," the Biden Administration is going soft on actual rioters who set fire to buildings during the BLM riots.

Meet experienced criminal Montez Terriel Lee, who burned down a pawn shop in the BLM riots. The fire killed a father of five children.

Biden's DOJ fought to soften his sentence. In a mind-baffling court memo, the federal prosecutors sound more like defense attorneys!
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Instead of emphasizing the danger this criminal poses to the public, the Biden DOJ document states Montez Lee “appears to have believed that he was, in Dr. King’s eloquent words, engaging in "the language of the unheard"... wow.

The writers go on to advocate for a significantly reduced sentence because Mr. Lee was justly "angry, frustrated, and disenfranchised" by racial politics and the George Floyd killing.

In a just system, favor is not doled out based on political views. As a member of the House Judiciary Committee, I am demanding answers, specifically:
1. Who drafted the document?
2. Who In Washington knew about the light sentencing recommendation?
3. Why is the DOJ taking pains to explain away and justify deadly criminal behavior?

It's now been TWO MONTHS since I sent that letter, and...crickets. That's the state of our bureaucratic government today: no accountability, no transparency, no justice. This needs to end!

Please chip in to my re-election campaign so I can continue my work on the Judiciary Committee and hold the Woke DOJ's feet to the fire! ([link removed])

Patriots need to remain vigilant and call out liberal double standards when we see it. Please support my re-election campaign so I can keep exposing the Left's bias and corruption!

Chip in $22 right away to help us win in 2022 ([link removed]) ! ([link removed])

For Liberty,
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Chip Roy
U.S. Congressman, TX-21
Help Chip Fight Biden's Woke DOJ! ([link removed])

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