Biggs for

I'm being targeted by New York billionaire and left-wing activist Michael Bloomberg!

Just earlier this week Bloomberg announced his plan to spend $20 million to take out Republicans and register new anti-Trump voters in five key battleground states – including my seat! This is just days after Bloomberg announced plans to spend $100 million in a digital smear campaign against President Trump! Democrats are literally buying new voters!

This is just the start – my team and I expect Democrats and their ultra-liberal donors to spend millions more in my seat and across Arizona to flip the state and my seat blue.

John, I need your support right now to fight back against Michael Bloomberg and the millions more that will be spent right here. Will you chip in $5, $15, $25, $50, or even more to put an end to the Democrats' vote buying scheme in Arizona?

Your donation is not only critical to keeping my seat in Republican hands, but it is vital to keep the Democrats from beating President Trump. Arizona will be a pivotal race for the President, and the more we turn out in my race, the more we will turn out for President Trump!

Help me keep this seat in Republican hands and stop the Democrats from taking Arizona in 2020 by making a generous donation right away.

We have no margin for error in 2020, but because of grassroots conservatives like you, we will emerge victorious!

Thank you,

Andy Biggs,
Member of Congress

P.S. I don't have billions of dollars like Michael Bloomberg or many of my Democratic opponents. I am reliant on donors like you. Send Michael Bloomberg a message by making a game changing donation of $250 today!

Paid for by Biggs for Congress

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