One of the most important trends in America has been the rise of bigger and bigger corporations. Over the last 20 years, three quarters of industries have gotten more concentrated, largely through corporate mergers. When firms turn into mega-monopolies, wages go down, there's less innovation, customer service gets worse, and there are fewer and fewer small businesses.
Fortunately, the government is interested in ending the wave of mergers that is causing so much harm. And you can help!
FTC Chair Lina Khan and Assistant Attorney General Jonathan Kanter are drafting new merger guidelines that will shape how government enforcers evaluate proposed mergers. Normally these kinds of guidelines are written by lobbyists and economists behind closed doors, but this time enforcers want to hear from normal people, like workers, businesspeople, engineers, artists, consumers, farmers, or anyone else. That means you!
So, give policymakers a piece of your mind. We’ve set up an easy site to help you do it.