What you do can affect the outcome on Primary Day and Election Day.

I have always tried to find common ground when I thought it would result in a better outcome for people.  But right now, there is a clear divide between the parties.

On one side, we have leaders who are working to create jobs and put money in families’ pockets. We’re seeing the results of those efforts in a big way. Our economy is adding jobs and wages are rising -- things that make a real difference in people’s everyday lives.

On the other side, we have leaders who are actively trying to undermine our democracy and make it harder for people to vote in our elections.

The difference really is that stark.

Contributing to our campaign -- no matter how much -- helps me return to the Senate, so I can keep fighting for the things that will help people in Hawaii and across the country.

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PO Box 3828, Honolulu, HI 96812