The release of Pfizer drug trial data reveals what the Pharma company knew from the start about the safety and efficacy of their novel mRNA vaccines.
** The Celebration of Victories…When and As they occur
Against the array of dispiriting events that permeate our news coverage—and in purposeful contrast to the reflexive anti-Americanism that characterizes much of academia (as well as the tepid patriotism that is expressed by our ‘Woke’ mainstream media)—Charlemagne Institute believes there is value to identification and celebration of “battlefield” victories when and as they occur.
Some of these wins may be small and incremental. Others may be larger and more profound. Whichever the case, our aim is to celebrate the successes…and share with you signs that give us hope. Our goal is to rally ourselves as neighbors to the means of American resurgence.
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Exposing the Truth About mRNA Vaccines
** Among signs the tide may be turning…
It’s not that this outcome is what we had sought from the start. Or that we are in any way opposed to the notion of vaccines. Even as we may have expressed concern at the outset at the speed with which this novel therapy was rolled out, and approved for emergency utilization, we always hoped that the mRNA vaccines would prove efficacious. That they would provide a genuine breakthrough in the prevention and management of coronavirus…and possibly even a therapeutic vehicle with which to manage other viral disorders.
But the hope didn’t linger long as there were from early on occasional but persistent questions ([link removed]) about the safety of the mRNA therapies and indicators that their efficacy was less than had been sold and not at all as assured by senior US health authorities.
And this news was coupled with the broadening of efforts by Big Tech power barons to shut down any and all dissenting opinions. Or that raised the possibility of available low-cost therapies for treatment of illnesses. (Ivermectin, anyone?)
People were de-platformed. Eventually a good number of eminent physicians and biomedical research scientists were censured, some losing prestigious academic and professional appointments.
And their silencing and censorship were followed by a host of government and employer mandates. There were an array of requirements for staffs, students, and citizenry to get vaccinated…or run the risk of having positions terminated…or of being unable to go back to school, or enter business establishments …or of being able to participate in the daily flow of life.
The mandates might have become more palatable to the public had the authorities paid even token heed to the availability of effective therapies ([link removed]) for managing the disease…or had they not denied the growing evidence that enhanced health benefits accrued to those who had—through exposure or infection—developed natural immunity ([link removed]) .
** * * *
Not a moment too soon! Like a tub of accelerant poured onto the dumpster fire of administrative COVID policy, earlier this year, a Federal judge, Mark Pittman, in the Northern District of Texas, summarily rejected arguments from the Food and Drug Administration that would have perpetuated the 75 year delay in public release of Pfizer vaccine trial data ([link removed]) …as the FDA and pharma company had beseeched. As Fauci and other representatives of the administrative state were all too willing to allow.
Instead, Pittman ordered the FDA to turn over the records at a rate of 55,000 pages a month, with the complete trial data made fully available by the end of September 2022.
** The result: we are now learning everything ([link removed])
that Pfizer tried to obfuscate.
We are learning how the spike proteins leave deposits in the ovaries, adrenal glands, heart, brain, and bone marrow. We are also hearing how mRNA injections have led to documented increases in cancer, cardiac disease, obstetric and neurological ailments, and more.
And while none of these developments can be construed as positive, there is cause to celebrate. Following two years of unseemly panic porn, of having civil rights abrogated, we are able to wipe sleep from our eyes.
The good news is that—as a nation—we are waking up to the lies and depredations of a totalitarian, administrative state. And we are making our opposition heard.
As well, we have also been given opportunity to identify a number of individuals, all of them luminaries, many of them liberals (or former Democrats), whose singular heroism and dedication to truth have helped to shine a spotlight upon the actions of a cabal of global bureaucrats who perpetrated the pandemic pandemonium…and would have allowed it to linger further:
Signers of the Great Barrington Declaration ([link removed])
** Robert Malone ([link removed]) Peter McCullough ([link removed])
Steve Kirsch ([link removed]) Alex Berenson ([link removed])
Pierre Kory ([link removed]) Vladimir Zelenko ([link removed])
And many more…
** Which is why this too is marked a victory!
Charlemagne Institute is a non-profit publisher of Chronicles: A Magazine of American Culture and Intellectual Takeout. In our defense of American political traditions, the publications are unapologetically opposed to efforts that weaken the spirits of the nation or that abrogate the inalienable rights of citizenry.
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Charlemagne Institute is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the defense of Western society and to the preservation of American history, values, and traditions. Our publications, Chronicles: A Magazine of American Culture and Intellectual Takeout, provide you with consistent, dependable, thoughtful commentary on key cultural issues with coverage spanning the arts, economics, education, history, religion, and politics.
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