[Header with Vote Forward logo]([link removed])
Dear friend,
Today is National Pet Day, so we thought we’d share some of our favorite photos of your pets working to support democracy!
[Pets with Vote Forward letters]([link removed]
If you have a pet keeping you company while you write letters today, we’d love to see a photo! After logging in to [your Vote Forward dashboard]([link removed]
) to download and print letters, you can share your photos by replying directly to this email or by tagging @votefwd when you share on social media!
We're grateful for all the work you (and your furry friends) do.
— The Vote Forward team
Our small team works tirelessly to develop new campaigns, analyze data, and improve the letter writing experience for volunteers like you. If you can, please consider [making a contribution to help sustain our efforts over the long term.]([link removed])
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Vote Forward
611 Pennsylvania Ave SE #192
Washington, DC 20003
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