From Union City <[email protected]>
Subject Howard University Hospital healthcare workers strike this morning
Date April 11, 2022 9:47 AM
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Howard University Hospital healthcare workers strike this morning

Dynamic Contracting to pay over $1 million for wage theft

2022 Labor Night at the Nats tickets now available

Today's Labor Quote

Today's Labor History


[link removed] LABOR CALENDAR; click here for latest listings

Union City Radio: 7:15am daily

WPFW-FM 89.3 FM; [link removed] click here to hear today's report

DCNA nurses 1-day strike: Mon, April 11, 7:30am - Tue, April 12, 7:30am
2041 Georgia Ave - HUH Main Entrance

DCNA STRIKE RALLY at Howard University Hospital: Mon, April 11, 11am - 1pm
2041 Georgia Ave - HUH Main Entrance

FILM: "Local 1196: A Steelworkers Strike," followed by a conversation with Pennsylvania Lieutenant Governor John Fetterman: Mon, April 11, 6:00pm - 7:30pm

[link removed] FREE: RSVP HERE

[link removed] Amazon Workers Speak Out: Lessons for How to Win at Work: Monday, April 11, 2022 * 8:00 PM ET

A conversation with Amazon Labor Union organizers Angelika Maldonado, Michelle Valentin Nieves and Chris Smalls on how they and their coworkers achieved the most important union victory in decades -- and what workers across the country can learn on how to organize their workplaces today! Moderated by organizer and author Eric Blanc. Special appearance from Senator Bernie Sanders! Sponsored by the Emergency Workplace Organizing Committee (EWOC) and Jacobin Magazine

Missed last week's Your Rights At Work radio show? Catch the podcast here: [link removed] Amazon workers notch historic win. American Prospect editor at large HAROLD MEYERSON on the historic win at the Amazon JFK8 warehouse; DCNA Exec. Dir. Ed Smith on the upcoming HUH strike; longtime security officer JUDITH HOWELL on why commercial security officers need a contract (photo of Weds 32BJ SEIU demo); AFSCME Local 2401 chief shop steward ROGER SCOTT on demands by DC City workers for telework.

Howard University Hospital healthcare workers strike this morning

Healthcare workers at Howard University Hospital will launch a one day strike this morning at 7:30a. After nearly nine months of bargaining, the DC Nurses Association, which represents hundreds of nurses, pharmacists, dietitians and social workers at HUH, says that Howard University President Dr. Wayne Frederick and Howard University Hospital CEO Anita Jenkins have refused to address the severe and dangerous staffing shortage at the hospital that has persisted throughout the pandemic. On top of that, says the union, they proposed cuts to shift differentials that will reduce pay for HUH healthcare workers, before walking away from the bargaining table entirely. Join the picket line this morning, or the 11a rally (see Calendar for details).

Dynamic Contracting to pay over $1 million for wage theft

DC Attorney General Karl A. Racine [link removed] announced last week that Dynamic Contracting will pay just over a million dollars to resolve allegations of wage theft. "The development of our city too often comes at a cost to workers," said Racine. "Rampant wage theft prevents workers from receiving their hard-earned wages. Employers who misclassify workers as independent contractors unlawfully cheat workers of their fair wages and benefits, including overtime pay and paid sick leave, and strip them of crucial labor protections and programs such as workers' compensation and unemployment insurance." "Wage theft continues to be a blight in the construction industry," said Baltimore DC Metro Building Trades Council president Stephen Courtien, "prevent(ing) honest contractors from being competitive, workers from earning family sustaining wages and (enabling) unscrupulous contractors to continue to get projects and make money off of illegal business practices."

2022 Labor Night at the Nats tickets now available

This year's Labor Night at the Nats is set for June 10, when the Washington Nationals will face off against the Milwaukee Brewers. Individual tickets are $17 each; to purchase a group of 20 or more, contact Josh Grohs at 202.640.7714 or email mailto:[email protected] [email protected]. The MWC's Community Services Agency will receive $2.00 for every ticket sold, to support their work helping those most in need. [link removed] Click here to hit a union home run.

Today's labor quote: Florence Reece

Come all you poor workers
Good news to you, I'll tell
How the good old union
Has come in here to dwell

Which side are you on?
Which side are you on?

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This week's Labor History Today podcast: [link removed] Michael Honey on Dr, King: "All Labor Has Dignity"; Last week's show: [link removed] Industrial murder at the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory.

April 11
Ford Motor Company fires UAW union organizers, sparking a 10 day sit down that finally led Ford to start contract talks. - 1941

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission issues regulations prohibiting sexual harassment of workers by supervisors in the workplace - 1980

Police in Austin, Minn. tear-gas striking Hormel meatpacking workers. Seventeen strikers are arrested on felony riot charges - 1986

April 12

A group of "puddlers" -- craftsmen who manipulated pig iron to create steel -- met in a Pitsburgh bar and formed The Iron City Forge of the Sons of Vulcan. It was the strongest union in the U.S. in the 1870s, later merging with two other unions to form what was to be the forerunner of the United Steel Workers - 1858

Birth of Florence Reece, active in Harlan County, Ky. coal strikes and author of famed labor song "Which Side Are You On?" - 1900

The Union Label and Service Trades Department is founded by the American Federation of Labor. Its mission: promote the products and services of union members - 1909

- David Prosten


Material published in UNION CITY may be freely reproduced by any recipient; please credit Union City as the source.

Published by the Metropolitan Washington Council, an AFL-CIO "Union City" Central Labor Council whose 200 affiliated union locals represent 150,000 area union members.

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