Hello John

What an incredible few days it’s been. Thousands of people have taken to the streets this weekend in nonviolent civil resistance to tell the government and their mates in the oil and gas industry that the fossil fuel era is over.


The government is starting to take notice. This morning, the Home Secretary - who herself is funded by oil and gas - lashed out, calling Extinction Rebellion and the Just Stop Oil coalition ‘selfish,’ ‘fanatical’ and ‘frankly dangerous’. But as UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres said, “Climate activists are sometimes depicted as dangerous radicals. But the truly dangerous radicals are the countries that are increasing the production of fossil fuels.”


What is most important now is that we persist, coming back to the streets day after day until we become impossible for the government to ignore. But we need your help to keep doing that. 

  • £25 will pay for a care package for our police station support team to wait through the night for people who have been arrested
  • £50 could support 2 rebels to get rest in a hostel after being locked on all night

Will you donate to fund the rebellion and help us reach our £250k target?

Our resistance puts love and care at the forefront and as we have marched this weekend, people held banners that read ‘I am here for those who have no voice’. We are in active resistance against the harm that is threatening lives right now in the Global South, that is threatening the nature all around us, that threatens all of us. We refuse to be bystanders.


Your support is directly contributing to the urgent change we need. Thank you!


Love & Rage,


Beth - XR UK



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