The conversation on preventing extremism can't be led by extremists
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Latest Islamist Tactic to Undermine Programs Preventing Extremism ([link removed]) The conversation on preventing extremism can't be led by extremists Watch and Share ([link removed])
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On Int'l Men's Day: A Plea to Empower Our Boys ([link removed]) Extremists offer boys a masculinity they are denied by our society Read and Share ([link removed])
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Democratic Debates: Andrew Yang Talks Preventing Extremism ([link removed]) Did Clarion's outreach impact Yang? Read and Share ([link removed])
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Next Generation Islamist? Abrar Omeish Wins Virginia Election ([link removed]) Small wins lead to big gains. It's part of the strategy Read ([link removed])
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Readers Write
NY Times Scrubs Word ‘Terror’ From Coverage of Killing of Islamic Jihad Leader ([link removed])
“Let me guess. He too was an 'austere religious scholar'??”
- E.S.
Anti-Muslim Hate Crimes Decrease in 2018 ([link removed])
“Meanwhile, attacks on Christians and Jews increase.”
- P.C.
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