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Help us fight against the powerful campaigns to label immigration restrictions as racist.

Amazon's Best Sellers lists of titles on immigration are packed with books claiming in one way or another that all of us who press for more immigration restrictions are advancing an intrinsically racist, White supremacy agenda.

In that sea of sharks swims our NumbersUSA book, BACK OF THE HIRING LINE, that argues an opposite conclusion.

We're in a high-stakes competition for controlling the ethical and historical narrative. Our book -- which has often been on several of Amazon's Best Sellers category lists -- lays out the 200-year-history of how every episode of immigration surges has been a profound instrument of systemic racism against the economic development of the Black descendants of American slavery.

In other words, it is poorly-controlled, mass immigration that has routinely produced racist results. And it has been periods of immigration restriction -- like you and I are seeking -- that have enjoyed improving racial equality.


Regardless of how you may feel about the Amazon company, the ratings on its website are a significant way to gain attention for books that are ignored by the elite media.

Go to the web page where you can make the rating.

Look for the words WRITE A REVIEW or WRITE A CUSTOMER REVIEW. Click on that and then click on the stars for your rating. You don't have to write a review, although we greatly appreciate all who have left some wonderful ones. (Unfortunately, if you don't have a sign-in account with Amazon and haven't spent at least $50 there in the last 12 months, you are blocked from giving a rating.)


I don't have to tell you that smears against our immigration-restriction movement concerning racism issues continue to be one of the main barriers to elected officials making practical and rational immigration decisions.

Until those smears are battled boldly and decisively, they are leading the nation toward truly catastrophic results.

A heavily promoted book distributed by Random House and published by Beacon Press (owned by the Unitarian-Universalist Association) concludes in its very last sentence:

". . . because immigration restrictions are a tool of white supremacy, then free movement must be the position of anyone opposed to it."

In other words, if you are against White supremacy, you have to be for open borders.

I'm afraid that is becoming a prevailing ideology/theology of far too many people with power in our federal government.

I hope you will continue to help share/promote our BACK OF THE HIRING LINE book in every way you can.

You can find all the ways to buy the paperback, audiobook and Kindle versions at

From current Amazon reviews:

"a riveting and authoritative chronology"

"magnificent, comprehensive book fills in so many important details that I was unaware of"

"a masterful account of a vitally important story to which more attention must be paid"

"I was astonished by the enormous body of information on this topic that is largely missing in our national awareness"

"plows new ground with this eye opening history of immigration to America. I've worked on the immigration issue for 20+ years but most of this history was new to me."

As the author, I am extremely gratified by these responses. I spent last year researching and writing the book because I believed it was the most important missing piece in the national debate and the most important way for me to spend my weekends and evenings. But you don't have to agree it is the most important to lend a little hand to the effort. All of us at NumbersUSA thank you.

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