Team: We wanted to tell you about another addition to our candidate Watch List – someone we know has what it takes to win an open seat and further our NewDem agenda in Congress: Karin Norington-Reaves (IL-01).

Karin is a job creator, an innovator, and a history-maker. As CEO of the Chicago Cook Workforce Partnership, Karin revitalized the nation’s largest public workforce system and helped roughly 100,000 people achieve their dream of a long-lasting career. If she wins, she would make history as the first Black woman to represent IL-01 in Congress, where she would continue her work of building a more inclusive economy for communities in the Chicago suburbs.
NewDems are fighting to bring visionary leaders like Karin to Congress who embody what it means to be a public servant. Take a moment to watch Karin’s campaign video here, and then pitch in $5 or more to be split between NewDems and her campaign!
More to come on Karin’s race soon! In the meantime, help us show her that we have her back by making a donation to support her and NewDems today.
Thank you,