Tax Day is one week from tomorrow, John! As you get ready to file, remember that you can donate $5 to support DFL candidates across the state at no cost to you with Minnesota’s State Election Campaign Fund.

Tax Day is one week from tomorrow, John! As you get ready to file, remember that you can donate $5 to support DFL candidates across the state at no cost to you with Minnesota’s State Election Campaign Fund.

Here’s how it works: When you reach “state elections campaign fund” on your income tax or property tax form, just select “Democratic Farmer Labor” to designate $5 from the State Elections Campaign Fund to the Minnesota DFL.

Checking yes does not affect your tax refund or tax owed. It simply instructs the State of Minnesota to allocate your designated amount to the party of your choice. So just check yes and help keep Minnesota blue this November! There’s nothing to lose.

Happy filing!

Minnesota DFL

DFL Victory Club

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Your monthly sustaining contribution will help us fight for fair maps during 2022 redistricting, re-elect Governor Walz and Lieutenant Governor Flanagan in 2022, and turn our Minnesota legislature from purple to solid blue.