Weekly Round Up
Quincy in the News

April 10, 2022

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The War We Can Stop
Featuring Research Fellow Annelle Sheline & Shireen Al-Adeimi
Quincy Institute & Radio Open Source, 4/7/22

The Yemen War is called the worst humanitarian catastrophe on the planet, and still it gets scant news coverage. It is seven years older than Ukraine’s war and an autocrat’s war much deadlier than Russia’s war on Ukraine, so far. And there is another significant difference from the war in Ukraine: The United States has the power to stop it.



Ending Primacy to End U.S. Wars

By Daniel Bessner, Non-Resident Fellow
Quincy Institute, 4/7/22

If America’s decision-makers are to learn from the Iraq War, they must recognize it not as an aberration or an isolated mistake, but as a direct consequence of the U.S. search for primacy in the Middle East. 


How to Stop a New Cold War
By Samuel Moyn, Non-Resident Fellow
Prospect Magazine UK, 4/7/22

We must be wary of those looking to rehabilitate old, failed ideas about the international order.


The Meaning of Ukraine’s Coming Neutrality
By Anatol Lieven, Senior Research Fellow
Foreign Policy, 4/4/22

History offers clear examples of what neutral status means—and what it doesn’t.


The Human Cost of Moving Away from Fossil Fuels
By Non-Resident Fellow Alden Young & Devika Dutt
Noēma Magazine, 4/7/22

The conversation about climate change needs to shift from simply reducing carbon emissions to ensuring that developing nations can take part in a diversified green economy.


What the Leadership Shake-up in Yemen Means for the Ongoing War
By Annelle Sheline, Research Fellow
Responsible Statecraft, 4/7/22

With a War Powers Resolution looming in Congress to end the U.S. role, the Saudi-led coalition may be seeing the writing on the wall.


War On Ukraine Is A Boost To Arms Makers
Featuring Senior Research Fellow William Hartung
The Mehdi Hasan Show/ MSNBC, 4/7/22

Russia’s invasion is destroying lives, livelihoods and nerves. But for the massive U.S. defense industry, Ukraine’s struggle for survival is a boost to business and stock prices.


Are Iran and the U.S. close to a new deal on nukes and sanctions? 
Interview with Executive Vice President Trita Parsi
The Bottom Line/ Al-Jazeera, 4/7/22

The Vienna talks aim to bring an end to the U.S. sanctions on Iran in exchange for limits on Iran’s nuclear program. What can we expect a renewed JCPOA?



Networks Covered the War in Ukraine More Than the U.S. Invasion of Iraq by Contributing Editor Jim Lobe, Responsible Statecraft, 4/8/22

What South Korea’s New President Will Mean for Regional Peace and U.S. Relations by Research Intern James Park, Responsible Statecraft, 4/8/22

WEBCAST: From Targeted Sanctions to Central Banks: The Future of U.S. Economic Sticks featuring Adam Tooze, Delaney Simon, William Byrd, & Research Fellow Adam Weinstein, Quincy Institute, 4/6/22

Landmines and Disinformation for Me, But Not for Thee by Editorial Director Kelley Beaucar Vlahos, Responsible Statecraft, 4/7/22

What Can the U.S. Really Do to Protect Civilians in Ukraine? By Senior Research Fellow Anatol Lieven & George Beebe, Responsible Statecraft, 4/7/22

How Facebook and Weapons Industry Are Profiting from the Ukraine War by Investigative Journalist at Large Eli Clifton, Responsible Statecraft, 4/7/22

PODCAST: How the Ukraine War Could End, Interview with Senior Research Fellow Anatol Lieven, The Nation, 4/7/22

What’s the Deal With the Iran nuclear deal? By Jonathan Guyer/ Quoted: Executive Vice President Trita Parsi, Vox, 4/6/22

Trump’s Revenge as Biden Deal with Iran Stymied by IRCG Sanctions by Andrew Parasiliti & Elizabeth Hagerdorn/ Quoted: Executive Vice President Trita Parsi, Al Monitor, 4/6/22

Designated Terrorists by Murtaza Hussain/ Quoted: Executive Vice President Trita Parsi, The Intercept, 4/6/22

The Falklands War at 40: A Lesson for Our Time by Non-Resident Fellow Robert Ralston, Responsible Statecraft, 4/6/22

More than a Half-Century Later, MLK’s Famous Anti-War Speech Given New Life by Communications Associate Sam Fraser, Responsible Statecraft, 4/5/22

Kori Schake Shakes the Money Tree for the DoD by Senior Research Fellow William Hartung, Responsible Statecraft, 4/5/22

The Potential Side Benefits of a Revived JCPOA for Middle East by Barbara Slavin/ Quoted: Executive Vice President Trita Parsi, Iran Source, 4/5/22

PODCAST: Could Russia-Ukraine Go Nuclear? Featuring Distinguished Non-Resident Fellow Joe Cirincione, The Wright Show/ Blogging Heads TV, 4/5/22

America is Exceptional — In Its Addiction to Violence and War by Shane Claiborne, Cited: Quincy Institute, RNS, 4/4/22

PODCAST: A Peace Plan for Ukraine by Martin DiCaro, Interview with Senior Research Fellow Anatol Lieven, History As It Happens/Washington Times, 4/4/22

The Hottest K Street Trend? Working for Ukraine Pro Bono by Theodoric Meyer & Jacqueline Alemany/ Quoted: Research Fellow Ben Freeman, Washington Post, 4/4/22

When Do We Lift the Sanctions? By Senior Research Fellow Anatol Lieven, The Critic UK, 4/3/22

TELEVISION: Ceremony in Morningside Heights Marks 55th Anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s "Beyond Vietnam" Speech, CBS New York, 4/2/22

Russia Falters in Ukraine but Unlikely to Give Up Assault by Laura Kelly & Morgan Chalfant/ Quoted: Senior Research Fellow Anatol Lieven, The Hill, 4/2/22

Iran Nuclear Talks at Stalemate Over Terrorism Issue by Karen DeYoung/ Quoted: Executive Vice President Trita Parsi, Washington Post, 4/1/22


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