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National Secular Society

Challenging Religious Privilege


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Your daily media briefing - Friday 22 November


In the Media is our daily collection of news and commentary related to secularism, available delivered to your inbox. You can also read the latest news and opinion and listen to our podcasts on our website.


Secularism in the media


‘FGM survivors more visible in UK statistics and activism’

More than 22,000 FGM survivors have been identified by UK public health providers since 2015 – though newly-recorded cases are declining. Most cases involve women and girls born outside the UK.



‘There is a serious problem with Wales's religious school system’

Will Hayward says the state shouldn't fund religious schools – and as long as it does, religious institutions shouldn't be able to select who has the right to benefit from taxpayers' money.

Wales Online


Elect the leaders who reflect your beliefs, Catholic voters told

Catholic bishops in Scotland are to tell their parishioners to elect the individuals who reflect their beliefs in the upcoming general election.

Christian Today


Hate crime rules challenged as man takes policing body to court

A landmark challenge to police guidance on "hate incidents" was heard by the High Court on Wednesday, after a man was placed under criminal investigation for comments he made on social media.

Premier Christian Radio


FGM trial in Ireland hearing evidence

Blood found on the carpet in the Dublin home of a couple accused of carrying out FGM on their daughter matched the DNA of the child, a court has been told.


Outcry as conservative South Korean MPs seek to curtail LGBT rights

Campaigners have condemned an attempt, backed by South Korea's powerful Christian lobby, to remove protection for 'sexual orientation' from new legislation.

The Guardian


Asia Bibi lawyer vows to keep working in Pakistan despite risks

A lawyer who represented a Christian woman given a death sentence in Pakistan after being convicted of blasphemy says he aims to keep working despite risks to his life.

Premier Christian Radio


American Medical Association announces support for US ban on ‘conversion therapy’

The US physicians' group the American Medical Association has announced that it will begin supporting a ban on so-called conversion therapy.



US sexual assault victims say they were pressured into unfair settlement by Catholic Church, says report

Two men are reportedly alleging in a New York court that Catholic officials pressured them to sign unfair settlements after they were sexually assaulted.

The Hill


Italy falls in love with civil marriage

The traditions of a church wedding with bells, choristers and relatives packed into pews are fading in Italy, where civil ceremonies have overtaken religious marriages for the first time.

The Times (£)


Latest from the No More Faith Schools campaign


NMFS campaign opposes plan for new faith school in Inverclyde

The NMFS campaign is supporting residents to oppose a plan to open a new Catholic primary school in Inverclyde in western Scotland.


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