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More than 22,000 FGM survivors have been identified by UK public health providers since 2015 – though newly-recorded cases are declining. Most cases involve
women and girls born outside the UK.
Will Hayward says the state shouldn't fund religious schools – and as long as it does, religious institutions shouldn't be able to select who has the right
to benefit from taxpayers' money.
A landmark challenge to police guidance on "hate incidents" was heard by the High Court on Wednesday, after a man was placed under criminal investigation for
comments he made on social media.
Blood found on the carpet in the Dublin home of a couple accused of carrying out FGM on their daughter matched the DNA of the child, a court has been told.
Campaigners have condemned an attempt, backed by South Korea's powerful Christian lobby, to remove protection for 'sexual orientation' from new legislation.
A lawyer who represented a Christian woman given a death sentence in Pakistan after being convicted of blasphemy says he aims to keep working despite risks
to his life.
Two men are reportedly alleging in a New York court that Catholic officials pressured them to sign unfair settlements after they were sexually assaulted.
The traditions of a church wedding with bells, choristers and relatives packed into pews are fading in Italy, where civil ceremonies have overtaken religious
marriages for the first time.
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