Team, this is urgent.

Republican Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy has raised a record-breaking amount of money to try to take back the House from Democratic control.
And to make matters worse: he just gave $32 MILLION of it to the NRCC – the Republican group responsible for trying to flip the House.
If you weren’t convinced already that national Republicans have Louisville squarely in their sights, you can be sure now that they will use every dollar to try to flip KY-03 and the House red.
We’re calling on all of Morgan’s supporters to help him keep this district blue and hold the House. Can we count on you to chip in? →
This is proof that Republicans are going to do everything they can to take back control of the House.
If we want to keep fighting for progress, we have to send Democrats like Morgan McGarvey to Congress who will work hard to make sure folks across this district have what they need to thrive.
We can't afford to slow down for a second, team.
If you’re standing with us in this fight, chip in anything you can right now to keep this campaign going strong.
Thanks for standing with Morgan!
Team McGarvey