
Inflation and record high gas prices are ripping through the Grand Canyon State, a wide-open Southern Border is still leading to the invasion of our homeland, and unselect politicians are trying to take us out…

All of this means one thing: it’s never been more important that we keep up the fight for America First here in Arizona!

Unless we continue to be unapologetic about making America and her people priority number #1, states like Arizona are going to be decimated by Joe Biden and Mark Kelly’s America Last agenda.

We already have the highest inflation rates in the country, our border state is already one of the hardest hit places by the record illegal immigration surge, and unsecure elections do more damage in a battleground state like ours…

Do you see why it’s so important that ARIZONA is on the frontlines of the fight to put America First?

I want to make sure the Grand Canyon State continues to lead the way on this front, and I know one thing is going to make that possible… Support from our grassroots army of conservative patriots.

If you’re ready to fight for Election Integrity, border security, and to put America FIRST in this huge election year, click the link below to support the top America First party in the country!

Thank you for not backing down,

-Dr. Kelli Ward, Chairwoman

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