Good Evening Young Dems,
EBYD Friendsgiving!
Saturday November 23rd, 2019: 5PM - 7PM
Join us at 2044 Franklin Street to celebrate friends, loved ones, and politics! In the spirit of coming together before Thanksgiving we are making this event a potluck so please bring your favorite Thanksgiving dish.
During this meeting we will also be voting on the Platform amendments that the board and various members have been working on. If you haven't had a chance to look at the Draft Platform please take some time to read it over before the meeting. It's perfect for an early morning read to get your day started off on the right foot.
Alameda County Democratic Central Committee Annual Holiday PartySaturday December 4th, 2019: 6 PM - 8:30 PM
Dave Karp Room - San Leandro Public Library
300 Estudillo Ave, San Leandro, CA

EBYD Board Elections & Holiday Party
Saturday December 14th, 2019: 5 PM - 7PM
Our last meeting of the year will also be where we elect our 2020 EBYD Board and celebrate the new year! If you're thinking about running check out our bylaws and Platform on our About page to get an idea about what's expected from our officers and what the club's values are. We hope that many of you will take the opportunity to run and provide your perspective on which direction EBYD should head in the upcoming year.
The location of this meeting has not been set so keep an eye out for updates on Facebook and the Newsletter.
Campaign Jobs
There are currently two job opening within the Children's Health and Child Care Initiative for Alameda County. Two Campaign Coordinators are needed from December to March 6th. The coordinators will generally be responsible for:
1. Volunteer recruitment
2. Training, and management
3. Voter contact coordination.
4. Tracking and reporting.
5. Leveraging endorsements.
6. Public issues management.
7. Great and maintain a winning campaign environment.
It pays $4-5k per month depending on experience.
If you're interested and would like to learn more about the campaign please email [email protected].
On of the most important issues in the country is the 2020 Census. With the current occupant and his sycophants in Washington D.C. are doing everything in power to disempower our communities. Their tactics of instilling fear in our minority communities to produce an undercount can result in the loss of congressional representation and underfunding for all levels of government that provided with the services we need.
If you want to fight back and help get everyone counted this is the job for you!
Apply on-site at an upcoming job workshop Starting in May 2020. Census Takers will go out into the community to follow-up with people who have not yet completed the Census
✓ Join this once-in-a-decade opportunity to bring money and power to your community by working on Census 2020
✓ Get help completing the online application
✓ Census Taker positions pay $25 an hour in Alameda County
✓ Flexible hours, part or full time roles
In Solidarity,
Victor E. Flores, EBYD Director of Communications
““Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering.””
-- Yoda