Dear friend, This week, the world got a devastating view of the extent of the catastrophe in Ukraine as relief teams and press were able to access regions that had previously been cut off. It has been a stark reminder that even today — the 45th day of this conflict — the urgency of the Ukrainian people’s needs has not abated. Our teams and partners responding in Ukraine, Poland, and Romania have sent updates that underscore the importance of both immediate aid and a long-term commitment to recovery and rebuilding. Situation on the ground When we wrote to you in early March, 500,000 people had fled their homes. Today more than 4.3 million people have left Ukraine, and our team reports that those who are arriving at border crossings are coming with what little they could bring, without connections in other countries, and with questions about what they should be doing next — or even exactly where they are. In such desperate times, Mercy Corps team member Alan Glasgow offered a hopeful take from the Polish border:
For an up-close look at the effort to keep delivering critical supplies to Ukrainians in need, watch this short YouTube video update from inside Ukraine, sent by Mercy Corps team member Alan Glasgow.
As the world’s attention continues to focus on the crisis in Ukraine and surrounding countries, we must remember that the humanitarian response extends far beyond the immediate region. The crisis in Ukraine is exacerbating global hunger, driving food prices higher at the same time as drought and conflict contribute to unprecedented levels of food insecurity worldwide. In Somalia, for example, the prices of cooking oil, beans, rice, sugar, and flour have nearly doubled since the start of the conflict. Mercy Corps will continue to respond in Somalia, across the Horn of Africa, and in dozens of countries where urgent humanitarian needs persist. If you would like to help people facing urgent crises in Ukraine and communities around the world, please send your gift to our Humanitarian Response Fund today.
Sincerely, The Mercy Corps team |