what are your top priorities?
Jeff Sites for Congress

John, Jeff isn't running for Congress to fight for corporate special interest groups — he's running to stand up for working people like us.

That's why our campaign is and always will be 100% people-powered.

Not only is our campaign funded by grassroots supporters, we think it should be accountable to you, too. So we want to know: what matters to you, John?

Do you support Jeff's fight for universal affordable healthcare, environmental protections, voting rights, and good-paying jobs? Is there anything you want to hear more about from our campaign?

Let us know by replying to this email with the top 3 policy areas that matter most to you. Our team will read and reply to as many responses as we can!

Thank you, John for sharing your opinion. We're proud to fight for you.

— Keith Mundy
Campaign Manager
Sites for Congress

U.S. Army Veteran Jeff Sites is the Democrat running against Trump's #1 enabler in Congress: Jim Jordan. While his opponent spends his time in Washington working to overturn our democracy and advance Trump's agenda, Jeff is fighting for health care for all, voting rights, investments in our communities, and more. Will you help Jeff Sites fire Jim Jordan and flip this seat blue in 2022?

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Jeff Sites is a former member of the United States Army. Use of his military rank, title or photographs in uniform does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Army or Department of Defense.


Email is a critical way to stay in touch with our supporters, but if you wish to unsubscribe, you may do so here.
Sites for Congress
P.O. Box 1482
Lima, OH 45801
United States