From Union City <[email protected]>
Subject DC LaborFest PLUS: "The Wobblies" tix now on sale!
Date April 9, 2022 12:53 PM
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Local 1196: A Steelworkers Strike; followed by a conversation with Pennsylvania Lieutenant Governor John Fetterman


This year's DC Labor FilmFest opens on May Day with a screening of a newly-remastered print of the classic labor film The Wobblies, which tells the story of the union that organized unskilled workers into "one big union" and changed the course of American history. Tickets are now on sale for the May 1 screening; don't miss this chance to see a great classic in-person!

We're also excited to showcase an exciting young local filmmaker, Samuel George, who will host an online screening of his brand-new film Local 1196: A Steelworkers Strike this coming Monday night (April 11; a great way to follow-up walking the picketline with striking DCNA members at Howard University Hospital! 2041 Georgia Avenue; [link removed] details here), followed by a conversation with Pennsylvania Lieutenant Governor John Fetterman.

Stay tuned for details on the rest of the 2022 DC Labor FilmFest soon!

Chris Garlock, Director, DC Labor FilmFest

Sunday, May 1, 5:30p
AFI Silver Theatre, 8633 Colesville Road, Silver Spring, MD 20910

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Opening Night of the 2022 DC Labor FilmFest!

"Solidarity! All for one and one for all!" Founded in Chicago in 1905, the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) took to organizing unskilled workers into "one big union" and changed the course of American history. This compelling documentary of the IWW (or "The Wobblies," as they were known) tells the story of workers in factories, sawmills, wheat fields, forests, mines and on the docks as they organize and demand better wages, healthcare, overtime pay and safer working conditions. In some respects, men and women, Black and white, skilled and unskilled workers joining a union and speaking their minds seems so long ago, but in other ways, the film mirrors today's headlines, depicting a nation torn apart by corporate greed. Filmmakers Deborah Shaffer and Stewart Bird weave history, archival film footage, interviews with early IWW members (by then in their 80s and 90s), cartoons, original art and classic Wobbly songs (many written by Joe Hill) to pay tribute to the legacy of these rebels who paved the way and risked their lives for the many of the rights that we still enjoy today. Restored by the Museum of Modern Art and recently inducted into the National Film Registry of the Library of Congress.

(Note courtesy of Kino Lorber.) DIR/PROD Deborah Shaffer, Stewart Bird. U.S., 1979, color, 89 min. NOT RATED

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FILM: "Local 1196: A Steelworkers Strike," followed by a conversation with Pennsylvania Lieutenant Governor John Fetterman
Mon, April 11, 6:00pm - 7:30pm

[link removed]- FREE: RSVP HERE

Join the Bertelsmann Foundation and the DC Labor FilmFest for a virtual screening of the new Bertelsmann Foundation documentary film "Local 1196: A Steelworkers Strike," followed by a conversation with Pennsylvania Lieutenant Governor John Fetterman.

In March of 2021, the steelworkers of USW 1196 in Brackenridge struck, citing unfair labor practices. Over the next four months, "Local 1196" follows the steelworkers from late night conversations on the picket lines, to fiery debates at the union hall, to their living rooms as bills come due.

As the U.S. gears up for critical and contentious elections in 2022, this documentary offers powerful insight into blue-collar America - the challenges, the opportunities, the hopes and the fears, undermining many stereotypes along the way.

Join director Samuel George after the film for a discussion featuring John Fetterman, Pennsylvania Lieutenant Governor.


Material published in UNION CITY may be freely reproduced by any recipient; please credit Union City as the source for all news items and as the source for Today's Labor History.

Published by the Metropolitan Washington Council, an AFL-CIO "Union City" Central Labor Council whose 200 affiliated union locals represent 150,000 area union members. DYANA FORESTER, PRESIDENT.

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