This is clearly a win. But as AG Eric Holder said in his email to you: the more that we invest in building a citizen-movement rooted in our shared belief of fairness, the more desperate map manipulators and their allies will try to paint us as out-of-touch.
We're already seeing it happen -- from Wall Street Journal opinion pieces to the floor of the North Carolina state senate. Map manipulators are spreading extreme rhetoric trying to tear down our movement.
All On The Line is committed to building this movement and holding politicians accountable for their extreme rhetoric -- and their disregard for voters' voices. Our team has committed to raising $25,000. Chip in $5 to help get us over the finish line.
Did you see AG Holder's note? I want to make sure you read it before our mid-month goal tonight. Take a look...
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Eric H. Holder, Jr.
Date: Tues, Nov 19, 2019
Subject: cynical and wrongheaded
Friend -- For the first time this decade, Virginians were able to vote on a map for the House of Delegates that was not racially gerrymandered. You'd think a level playing field in our elections should be celebrated by everyone who cares. But after the election, we got a look at how our opponents will paint our victories.
The Wall Street Journal ran not one, but two, columns attacking me and our movement directly. In one, titled "Eric Holder Takes Virginia" the author accuses of us plotting to take over more than a dozen states. Our only plan is to make sure voters get a chance to vote in fair districts so that their representatives match the desires of the people. And if that means getting the grassroots to focus on redistricting, or as the author puts it "concentrat[ing] the liberal mind on the redistricting project," so be it.
Our opponents are supported by relentless conservative media and well-funded special interests. We now know that to be successful we need to invest in our strategic plans and also combat their false attacks. Can you chip in to help us reach our mid-month goal of $25,000 before Thursday's deadline?
If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately.
I wanted to share that headline with you to let you know what we're up against. The more that we invest in building a citizen-movement rooted in our shared belief of fairness -- the more desperate map manipulators and their allies will try to paint us as out-of-touch "liberals" bent on gaining power. But don't worry - I'm prepared to fight for our democracy.
Our mid-month deadline is in just two days and it would mean a lot to me if we're able to hit the $25,000 goal our team has set. Can you make a donation to help us reach it?
Take a stand against the special interests and pundits seeking to tear down our movement.
Thank you,
Eric H. Holder, Jr.
All On The Line is the grassroots advocacy campaign supported by the National Redistricting Action Fund.