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Friend --

April is here with plenty of happenings in the neighborhood. The
Nats are back -- and I, for one, am an optimist who chooses to believe
we're going to do better than projected this year. Live music will
return to Eastern Market Metro Park soon, and allergies aside, I think
everyone is looking forward to the sweet spot of spring where the
weather is nice enough to sit out, but we have a brief window before
the mosquitos truly make their debut. Let's hope anyway.
Last weekend, I want to thank the many Ward 6 neighbors who joined
me and my team for the Great Ward 6 Spring Clean! We had more than 80
folks sign up to do a little cleaning in every part of Ward 6 (and a
few spots juuuuust outside our new boundaries). So great to see
everyone again!

At the Council, we're finalizing budget oversight hearings on
nearly every agency in DC government and will be hammering out the
details of the budget over the next week ahead of committee votes. And
I've got plenty of Ward 6 specific updates, so let's jump in.
Quick Links: Recover to Better | Ward 6 Budget Town Hall | RFK
| Public Safety | COVID | Eastern Market Metro Park
Music | Pepco Solar Lawsuit | Librarian of the Year | Streeteries | Door
Dash | Union Station Defacement | Redistricting Task Force | History at FEMS | Capitol South
Metro | Riversmart | Gas
Leaf Blowers | Bike to School Day &
Poetry Contest | Fort Totten Trash
Closed | DC Water | Anacostia River Fest
Expanded Monthly Basic Income, Small Business Backing, Metro For
DC: Council's Special Committee Recommendations to Recover to
The next year or two are incredibly important for determining what
the District's recovery looks like, and whether we will take steps to
close some of the massive inequity gaps in our city. Looking at the
last two years, folks who were already doing pretty well mostly
continued to do so. But for anyone who was struggling, this period was
incredibly hard and likely traumatic. You've heard me talk about it
before. So what's the plan?
For the past year and a half, I've been honored to co-chair a
Council Special Committee on COVID-19 Pandemic Recovery with
Councilmember Vince Gray and with committee members Janeese Lewis
George, Robert White, and Brooke Pinto. Last week, the Special
Committee released its final recommendations after more than a year of
research and public hearings focused on four key areas in our
recovery, including our safety net, small businesses and revenue,
transportation, and housing.
This is the Council's vision for how we recover better. We
can't simply tread water or return to normal. Because normal wasn't
working for a whole lot of our neighbors, and we can't ignore many of
the painful lessons we learned over the most desperate months of the
has coverage of six of the twenty recommendations the Special
Committee made during a press conference where Councilmember Gray and
I were joined by community members engaged in the recommendations'
development. This set of recommendations spans many important areas
(but not every priority out there) and is meant to serve as a policy
road map. Already, DC
Fiscal Policy Institute released their own report seconding the
Special Committee's recommendation to expand DC's Monthly Basic Income
to more workers, including undocumented workers. I'd expect we'll see
more and more places where the Special Committee's work can help move
forward legislation that will put us on a better path forward in this
Ward 6 Budget Town Hall Returns In Person
On Thursday, March 31, more than three years since
the last in-person Ward 6 Budget Town Hall, I joined neighbors at the
Southwest Library AND virtually to do my eighth budget town hall since
becoming Councilmember. Each year, we convene a forum to hear from
Ward 6 neighbors about what you want to see in the budget, what you
agree with, and what you don't. You can watch the broadcast here, and
I still welcome your feedback -- just respond to this email or contact
Chris, Erik, Antonio, Kevin, or Anthony on my team to share
During the budget town hall, we covered a lot of ground, and my
team took notes on a wide range of issues, from improving care for our
parks to supporting our residents living in public housing to funding
violence interrupters and services for returning citizens. We
heard from residents concerned about our public schools and ensuring
funding is available to continue school-based mental health services.
And several folks asked questions around transit and safe
Should We Think About an NFL Stadium at RFK?
In the Mayor's proposed budget, I'm excited to see she's included
funding to build an indoor sports arena that will expand the resources
available to DC student-athletes and residents, including an
Olympic-sized pool and gymnastics space. This was an idea many of you
worked on with me a few years ago during a planning process with
EventsDC. It will serve DC residents and our community well. And for
any parent that has had to drive their kid out of town for a
basketball, gymnastic, swimming, or track tournament - you know how
much we need this within our borders.
But along with that
investment has come increased conversation about whether or not we
should also bring back the Washington
Commanders with a new stadium (Hill Rag). I think that's become
more about trying to create a bidding war of public tax dollars
between DC, Maryland, and Virginia. And I don't think the District
should play this game. I don't want to see one dime go toward building
an NFL stadium for a billionaire (facing some very serious
allegations) nor do I want to see a football stadium taking up any of
the space we should be using to extend our city - new housing (senior
and family affordable too!), new local businesses and jobs, new green
spaces and parks - all connecting the Anacostia River to the
neighborhood. Now that we're seeing Maryland and Virginia wise up to
spending hundreds of millions of tax dollars, I'd
expect we might see more of a push to seriously consider RFK (WUSA
Public Safety Update
In case you missed it, MPD made two arrests relating back to the
nine deaths tied to a deadly batch of fentanyl distributed in late
January in the Southwest neighborhood. The reckless actions of those
alleged to have dealt the fentanyl, rightly described as putting
poison into the community by Chief Contee, have robbed nine families
of their loved ones and our community of some truly wonderful people.
Holding those responsible accountable is important, and so is taking
meaningful steps to treat drug addiction as a public health crisis --
including by exploring the creation of safe use sites where residents
living with addiction can safely know any drug they are about to
ingest isn't going to be fatal.
The conversation about public safety is at an important moment as
we consider the budget for next year. As Chair of the Council's
Committee on the Judiciary and Public Safety, I've held dozens of
hours of hearings in the past weeks to hear from the public and kick
the tires on the Mayor's proposed public safety agency budgets and
initiatives. If you're so inclined, you
can watch all of the hearings here (look for any hearing with
Budget Oversight Hearing in the title). I welcome any priorities or
feedback you'd like to share with me
or my team.
I can promise you this budget will continue to make
the necessary investments to fully fund public safety in line with the
strategies to the right. If you are able to watch some of the
hearings, you'll see the full scope of work to reduce violence extends
far beyond just MPD. It includes everyone from organizations working
with victims and returning citizens to our on-the-ground violence
interruption efforts to our DC Jail and its badly-needed new
rehabilitation-based facility. As I, along with my committee members,
consider the budget, we're balancing the city-wide and Ward needs and
work of all of these agencies in determining where the Council's final
budget recommendations should land.
Ward 6 Public Safety Updates
Made in Armed Carjacking at 6th and I, NW Arrests
Made in 200 Block of M St., SW Robbery Multiple
Arrests for Unauthorized Use of Vehicle Offenses, including Ward 6
COVID-19 Update
We aren't out of the woods yet on the COVID-19 pandemic, with case
numbers much lower than in the past few months but ticking up as cases
are climbing. The CDC is recommending residents over the age of 50 and
certain residents who are immunocompromised and at-risk for more
severe cases of COVID-19 receive a second booster.
There are four easy ways to get your initial COVID-19 vaccine or
booster dose in the District:
- Visit a walk-up vaccine clinic or COVID Center.
- Make an at-home vaccination appointment by calling
- Make an appointment with your health care provider.
- Find other opportunities to get vaccinated by visiting
DC Health continues to operate COVID centers throughout the city.
For Ward 6, the location is still on Barracks Row at 507 8th St., SE,
and it's open every day except Tuesdays. Check
the locations' hours here, as each varies a bit. At these sites,
you can:
- Pick up rapid tests;
- Take a PCR test;
- Get vaccinated; and
- Pick up masks for adults or children.
All at no cost to District residents! We don't know what this new
subvariant may mean for us, but if you haven't gotten vaccinated, do
so now before you're at risk again. Here
are 50 locations close to Ward 6 where you can get
protected - for free. Let's prepare now so we're not
scrambling later.
Eastern Market Metro Park Music Returns Soon
Once we cut the ribbon last year, we saw Eastern Market Metro Park
get packed on a Friday night for live music. And activating the park
regularly to create a vibrant space filled with neighbors is a
priority for me. Last year, I secured money in the budget to have a
local group plan and organize an ongoing series of events for the
community. Barracks Row Main Street was selected by DPR to run this
effort, and they're kicking off the festivities this weekend! Expect
to hear a lot more soon. Here's
the lineup for April (all shows are from 5-6 pm):
Pepco Sued for Undercounting Solar Generated + Inflating
Residents' Utility Bills
Big news for the growing number of Ward 6 neighbors taking
advantage of DC's generous solar credits -- DC
Attorney General Karl Racine and the DC Office of the People's Counsel
have brought a lawsuit against Pepco for undercounting generated
solar on utility bills for customers. I'm grateful we're seeing the
city take action -- we've heard from a few residents who have
experienced pretty tough roadblocks to putting solar panels on their
roof or enrolled in a community solar program (and if this sounds like
something that happened to you, let me know). This is especially
frustrating with DC's
Solar for All Program, meant to advance our renewable energy goals
AND give low-income households a break on their bills. Given the dire
report from the United Nations' Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Change this week, we can't have our utility slowing down the
District's work to meet renewable energy goals. This lawsuit is the
leadership we need on this issue. More
coverage from DCist here.
Ward 6 Has THE Librarian of the Year!
Kudos are in order to Ward 6's own K.C. Boyd who was named the 2022
Librarian of the Year by the School Library Journal. K.C. is the
dynamic and inspiring school librarian at Jefferson Academy Middle
School in Southwest. It's a wonderful recognition of a very dedicated
and passionate librarian our students are lucky to have. She's
absolutely someone who has helped guide me on my efforts to require a
full-time librarian in every school and help understand what's
happening inside our classrooms year-round.
Standing Up for Streeteries
There was a bit of a confusion and concern
earlier this week when DDOT gave Walters Sports Bar and Mission
restaurant less than 48 hours to remove their streeteries ahead of
this week's home opener at Nationals Park. This was confusing because
all last season, these streeteries worked just fine with game day
traffic and provided a critical source of revenue for the businesses,
jobs for the employees, and a safe place to just feel normal. Not to
mention our businesses who have opened streeteries have made
significant investments in them to create enjoyable and safe spaces to
dine. I jumped in to assist our former Ward 6 business (that part of
Navy Yard is now Ward 8, but we still are happy to help). Thankfully,
Director Lott of DDOT and his team were able to work with both
restaurants while putting in additional protections for patrons, for
which I'm grateful. And I think the outpouring around this incident
shows us something pretty obvious -- people love streeteries, and
they're here to stay. More
in DCist, more from WUSA
Channel 9.
Door Dash on E Street is Closing
For neighbors in the immediate area of the 1300 block of E St., SE,
there was good news when Door Dash announced it would be closing its
location in the old Frager's building this coming fall. Door Dash
should never have been cleared by DCRA to occupy the site, since it
was basically functioning as a large warehouse in a neighborhood, with
trucks regularly blocking bike and car lanes and sidewalks. I had
written several times to DCRA and DPW to urge enforcement if Door Dash
was going to remain in the neighborhood. I think we're all relieved to
see this change and hope a more suitable neighborhood business can
find its way into the space. More
in the Hill Rag.
Union Station Letter and Response Following Hate Symbols
A few weeks ago, I asked for an update on efforts to remove the
many hateful symbols that were etched into historic Union Station (you
may recall an arrest was made shortly after). However, the symbols
have not yet been fully removed. Many Ward 6 neighbors have mentioned
this to me, so we reached out to the Union Station Redevelopment
Corporation, who manages operations at the station, for an update.
More than 150 symbols were drawn onto Union Station, many of which
have been removed. USRC has spent more than $150,000 carefully working
to remove the symbols completely, and the work is ongoing.
Ward 6 Redistricting Task Force Completes Its Work
Over the course of the past two months, a dedicated group of
volunteers have served on a Task Force to create a recommended map of
the Ward 6 Single Member District and Advisory Neighborhood Commission
boundaries, following the Ward-level boundary redistricting late last
year. The Ward 6 ANC Task Force held regular meetings virtually and
has submitted both a map and a report laying out their decisions. You
can find both here, as well as recordings of every meeting. I want
to thank all of the Task Force members for their time, but especially
Ivan Frishberg for taking on this challenging, but very important,
service to our neighbors.
History Made in DC Fire & EMS With Promotion of First Woman
Assistant Fire Chief
I want to offer my congratulations to Assistant
Chief Queen Anunay, who late last month became the first woman
Assistant Fire Chief in DC Fire and Emergency Medical Services'
history. Assistant Chief Anunay will oversee and run the entire
Emergency Medical Services division. She is a graduate of Eastern High
School and has been with FEMS for more than 30 years. A few years ago,
I was proud to honor her at the Council, and I am thrilled for her
promotion and the leadership she will be providing to FEMS. Read
more from WUSA 9.
Capitol South Metro Station Closed Saturdays April 9 & 16
Very late breaking news from WMATA, but heads up for residents
living near the Capitol. The Capitol South Metro Station will be
closed both Saturdays April 9 and April 16 from 5 am to 7 pm while
escalators are replaced.
Riversmart: Spruce Up Your Yard, Save Our Rivers
April showers are a great time to remind everyone the District
offers a wonderful program that uses local landscaping companies to
install rain gardens, bayscapes (shallower rain gardens), rain
barrels, and trees on your property at a very low co-pay or free to DC
residents. Why? Because it helps prevent runoff that can carry harmful
chemicals and trash into our sewer or into our rivers directly. This
is truly a win-win for everyone involved. Learn
more here about the Riversmart program.
Related: DCist
has a more comprehensive write-up on the US Army's decision to
back-off of creating a restricted water space within the Washington
Channel. This is a big win for Ward 6 and DC neighbors to ensure
everyone can access the river.
Gas Leaf Blowers Are Banned. Get a New, Electric One with a
Earlier this year, a new law went into effect that bans the use of
gas-powered leaf blowers, which are both bad for our air quality and
also a noise nuisance. Two quick points for neighbors:
1) You can get a rebate
to replace gas-powered leaf blowers with electric ones
here. 2) You can report gas leaf blower use here
to DCRA.
Bike, Roll, and Read to School Day Coming on May 4 + Submit a Poem
for Our Poetry Contest!
Add it to the calendar now, and I'll look forward to seeing Ward 6
families at Bike, Roll, and Read to School Day on Wednesday, May 4,
from 7:30 - 8:15am. You
can RSVP here, but I always love gathering at Lincoln Park and
heading out to school together -- however you roll. But before you do,
we need you! Have your child write a biking- or rolling-related poem
and submit it to Erik at
[email protected] by Friday, April 29. Councilmember Allen will
choose the best poem and read it to the crowd! We can't wait to read
Fort Totten Trash Station Temporarily Closed. Use Benning
Fort Totten Trash Transfer Station has closed temporarily as of
April 2 to undergo capital improvement projects that will help prevent
storm water runoff. The work is expected to keep the facility closed
until Fall 2022. Benning Road Trash Transfer Station is located at
3200 Benning Road NE. Residents can drop off trash and bulk items
Wednesday-Friday from 10 am to 2 pm. Household hazardous waste
drop-off is on Saturdays from 7 am to 2 pm.
DC Water Town Hall on April 14
Passing on this opportunity if you'd like to ask DC Water about
rates, clean rivers, construction. Virtual Town Hall scheduled for
April 14. To sign up, visit: or call
202-753-6714 |ID: 325992568#
Anacostia River Festival is this Sunday
Just a quick plug for your Sunday plans - the Anacostia River
Festival returns this Sunday, April 10. All
the info you need right here.
See you around the neighborhood,
Charles Allen