Now more than ever, People’s World is a must 

By People's World Editorial Board

Anthem protests center stage at NFL team owners meeting

Ninety-five years ago, in 1924, a newspaper appeared for the first time in the United States that “broke the mold” for what passed for journalism in our country. It was not financed or dominated by corporate interests and political machines. Instead, it took an unapologetically partisan working-class point of view, advocating empowerment, liberation and socialism.

The name of that newspaper was the Daily Worker. The proud traditions of that newspaper, combining solid journalism and the profound beliefs that working women and men are the makers of history, and that a better world is possible, are carried on today by People’s World.

And we could never do it without your support. It’s yours! Please become a monthly sustaining donor!

People’s World just achieved a publishing milestone that the old Daily Worker was never able to reach, thanks to the possibilities of the Internet. We just passed the mark of two million readers this year so far! Our articles get posted, and re-posted and re-tweeted, to thousands of new readers every day.

How about those journalism awards we keep piling up? People’s World is an active participant in ILCA, the International Labor Communications Association, which celebrates excellent journalism with awards in many categories—editorials, profiles, political and labor analysis, etc. This year was no exception: PW won 21 (count ’em!) awards for our fine work. There is nothing so sweet as recognition by your professional colleagues!

And none of this is possible without your generous support!

As someone who reads People’s World, you know very well we take you where the action is, whether that’s on the Freedom Rides and Civil Rights marches of the 1960s, demonstrations to end the Vietnam War, expressing solidarity with the Steelworkers in Pennsylvania and the striking coalminers in West Virginia, participating in the Women’s March, investigating the troubling scene at the U.S. southern border, and walking the picket line with members of the UAW and the Chicago Teachers Union. Our writers traveled to the North Dakota Keystone pipeline protests to bring you that incredible story of age-old defiance for Indigenous rights and the survival of the planet. Wherever there is a struggle, People’s World is there.

People’s World also gets into the movie theater, the playhouse, museums, galleries and bookstores to review current cultural offerings by activist artists who are able to cast a bright light on our times and concerns.

Because you read People’s World or write about events, you are there too! We provide in-depth coverage of the U.S. and international political scene. Together we are an integral part of the resistance to Donald Trump’s dangerous administration. We are in the thick of the 2020 election mobilization, the fight for a national $15 minimum wage and quality healthcare for all. Socialism is gaining in popularity, and while corporate media are busy resurrecting old lies and distortions, PW is a source for information you can trust. And we have an almost century-long record to back us up.

What we don’t have is corporate backers or advertisers—nor do we want or need them! We receive our financial support from people like you. Every dollar you give is put to good use, bringing you intelligent, passionate coverage on a daily basis that you deserve and respect.

Some of our readers receive our weekly PDF, mailed out by a group of wonderful people who gather at our editorial office each week to read and discuss the articles in the paper, and the issues and concerns that impact their lives. People like Josie, Mack, Barbara, Donnie and Linda. They know how vital the PW is, and how important it is to you, and most of them have been providing their time, energy and good will for years.

You’ve counted on us, and now we’re counting on you. Please give what you can and be as generous as your means permit. You can send a check payable to Long View Publishing Co. Inc. (235 W. 23rd St., New York, NY 10011).

Or you can give online by visiting People’s World and clicking on the DONATE icon. If you are not already a regular monthly sustaining donor, please know that is truly the best way to give: Whether it’s 5 bucks a month or 50, it’s vital for us to know what resources we can expect to have on hand when we need to send a reporter out into the field.

On behalf of the staff and volunteers here at People’s World, our most sincere thanks for your support. While we cover countless stories, ultimately the subject of every story starts with you—our readers. Remember our slogan? It’s true. We take sides—yours!


John Wojcik, Editor-in-chief

Chauncey K. Robinson, Social Media Editor

C.J. Atkins, Managing Editor

































































































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