While the Democrats and RINOs bray for WWIII, they fund the opposition axis of evil.
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Breaking news stories the media complex won't cover. Share widely.

For more information on any post below, click through to read the full article on our website.

Exposed: The Russian Companies That Will Get Billions From New Iran Nuclear Deal
While the Democrats and RINOs bray for WWIII, they fund the opposition axis of evil.

Exposed: The Russian Companies That Will Get Billions From New Iran Nuclear Deal

U.S.-government document shows Russia's top state companies stand to cash ...

North Korea may test nuclear device next week, US envoy warns
Remember when the corrupt main stream media mocked President Trump's effective “peace through strength” policies against North Korea? With American deterrence all but destroyed by the Biden Administration, North Korea is now firing missiles and ...

Palestinians celebrate deadly shooting, mock manhunt for terrorist
More barbarism from Palestinian Authority-controlled Ramallah, Jenin, and elsewhere, as the murder of Israeli citizens is being celebrated with fire works, handing out candy, dancing, etc. Totally disgusting. The Palestinian Authority will pay ...

Biden Regime Handing Out Smartphones to Illegal Immigrants Entering the Country
40,000+ homeless veterans will sleep on the street tonight while Joe Biden gives illegal immigrants free cell phones, transportation, hotel rooms, and cash.

Jen Psaki confirms Biden is giving FREE PHONES to illegal immigrants before releasing ...

Death toll during the holy month of Ramadan 2022
For 30 days, I will report daily the terrorist attacks, the crimes, the butcheries of Ramadan Bombathon 2022.

I have followed and report Ramadan Bombathon for 9 years. It has always amazed me to see that no mainstream media ever dared to ...

Democrat Pedophilia Party Vows To Punish States Who Oppose Child Sex Reassignment Surgery, Puberty Blockers, Calls Depravity “Best Practice” (VIDEO)
The Democrat regime is officially the pro-pedophilia party.

Psaki Says Sex Reassignment Surgery, Puberty Blockers for Kids Is ‘Best Practice,’ States Preventing It Will Be Held Accountable pic.twitter.com/ZmboFDFIYx

— Daily Caller ...

‘We’re Not There’: Blinken Casts Doubt on Prospects for Renewed Iran Nuclear Deal
Unbelievable incompetence from Secretary of State Blinken. Despite making numerous concessions to the Iran terror state, Blinken still can't get Iran's negotiators to sign off on a more flawed version of the JCPOA. What this means is that the Biden ...

Watch: Left-wing columnist from ‘The Atlantic’ dismisses Hunter Biden laptop story when challenged by student
Horrible. The mainstream media viciously defamed and attacked President Trump's children, but they refused to report on Hunter Biden's laptop. That is because they did not want to sink Joe Biden's campaign. Now the stability of America and the ...

Los Angeles County bans official travel to Florida over Parental Rights Bill
Two key points:

1) This is a free country. banning travel is the act of a totalitarian state.

2)The bill never mentions the word gay. Not once.

There is no ban on travel to the 69 countries that *criminalize* homosexuality. ...

SEXUALIZING CHILDREN: New Jersey to require 2nd graders learn about “gender identity”, genitalia
Any parent that continues to send their child to government school, is unfit.

This is the leading issue for Democrat rulers, sexualizing kids.

Photo: Governor Phil Murphy

New Jersey to require 2nd graders learn about gender identity in ...

More Islamic Terror in Israel: Six people Wounded in Jihad Shooting on Dizengoff Street in Tel Aviv
Thousands of Israelis made a horrendous mistake when they casted a vote for the terrorist-appeasing Left. Today, Palestinian terrorism in Israel is once again out of control. Israel's Leftist government must go down. Benjamin Netanyahu must regain ...

Watch: Democrat Dick Durbin Objects to Toughening Sentences for Child Porn Offenders
Democrats are officially the child porn party.  Utter depravity.

Senator Dick Durbin is objecting to Senator @HawleyMO's legislation seeking to toughen sentences for child porn offenders:

"These guidelines…don't reflect the reality of ...

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