Beth Stelzer “Dives” into the Issue of Women’s Sports on Fox News

Beth Stelzer, Founder of Save Women's Sports, appeared on Fox News on April 3 to discuss the recent NCAA Swimming Championship. Months of protests from female swimmers and athletes about the unfairness of Lia Thomas being able to compete in female sports has outraged many athletes, parents, and concerned citizens who want a fair playing field for women in sports. Save Women’s Sports’ position is that men should not be competing against women in NCAA sports. During the Fox interview, Stelzer stated, “Women deserve the right to safety, and protection and fairness [in] the pool and in the locker room”. Great job to Beth and her team for standing up for the security of women and the integrity of women’s sports!


Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick Promises to Take Texas Schools Back

This week, Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick promised to prioritize the passage of a Florida-like bill to prohibit inappropriate classroom lessons on sexual orientation and gender identity for children below the fourth grade. Such legislation has created a tremendous spark nationwide after Florida Governor Ron DeSantis signed a similar bill called the Parental Rights in Education Law that “the Left” is referring to as the “Don’t Say Gay” law.  The bill empowers parents to have a voice when it comes to the type of curriculum that is taught to their children, especially on sensitive issues surrounding sexuality. If such a law is passed, parents could sue a school district for damages if they believe the law has been broken. Gov. Greg Abbott has said parents should have more rights when it comes to their children’s education and will make this a top priority legislation in the following session.


Pro-Life Issues on the List of Items to be Examined by the Texas Senate

This week, Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick has asked the Texas Senate to study 84 charges during the interim before the 88th Legislative Session. Under the State Affairs Committee, there is an agenda item called “Protecting the Unborn.”  The Texas Senate has been asked to monitor the impact of the Texas Heartbeat Law and the expanded funding for Alternatives to Abortion programs, as well as this program’s effectiveness in meeting the needs of pregnant and post-partum women, and ways that the Legislature could strengthen the program, provide additional alternatives to abortion, and comprehensive informed consent resources to mothers who are expecting. 

Texas Values was very involved in the passage of the Texas Heartbeat Law which has saved the lives of an estimated 30,000 preborn babies from abortion since going into effect on September 1st, 2021.


Texas Values Makes New Highlight Video on the Heartbeat Law

This week, Texas Values published a new video highlighting the journey of the Texas Heartbeat Law since it has gone into effect.  Approximately 32,000 babies have been saved because of the Texas Heartbeat Law. This law made history as the first of its kind to go into effect across the nation.


Save the Date! Texas Values to Host a 9 Month Celebration of Texas Heartbeat Law on June 1

Mark your calendars!  On June 1, Texas Values will host a symposium titled, “Our Pro-Life Moment: 9 Month Celebration of the Texas Heartbeat Law, Dobbs Supreme Court Case, & A Vision for a Post-Roe America.”  Join us in the Dallas/Fort Worth area for this event.  The event will also be livestreamed for those who are not able to join in person.  More details coming soon.


Texas Values is Hiring!

Are you interested in joining us in standing for faith, family, and freedom in Texas? Do you share our passion for securing religious liberty, protecting marriage and family, and defending the unborn? Texas Values is looking for a Director of Operations, a Communications Associate, and an Administrative Assistant.   Texas Values is seeking motivated individuals to join the team. Internships and other volunteer opportunities are also available.    

Texas Values is seeking motivated university, graduate, and law school students to intern in our Austin office (or remotely with special approval) who have a passion to promote biblical values and have a desire to learn more about law, public policy, and the political process in Texas. Learn more at:

 Jen, a Mother of an NCAA Athlete  

Last week, Jen, a Mother of an NCAA Athlete, joined Texas Values President, Jonathan Saenz. They discussed the recent NCAA Swimming Championship and the missed opportunities for women with biological males competing in their sports.



Texas Values is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to standing for faith, family, and freedom in Texas. Copyright © 2021 Texas Values, All rights reserved.


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Suite L115
Austin, Texas 78701
(512) 478-2220
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