John, President Biden and the Democrats in Congress never learn.
Massive spending and progressive “green energy” policies are the cause of record-high gas prices.
It's why Americans across the country are struggling to put food on the table, put gas in their cars, or keep a roof over their heads.
And Joe Biden's "solution" is to keep doing what got us into this mess in the first place.
That's right.
Instead of cutting spending, or anything that makes sense, Joe Biden's "solution" for record-high gas prices is to print and waste even more money on “gas cards” or stimulus checks worth $100, compared to the total of at least $2,000 in extra gas costs for the entire year.
I want to hear from you.
Would you prefer a gas stimulus check – or for President Biden and Congress to address the root causes of the record gas prices?
If Joe Biden would simply reverse his policies on fracking and domestic drilling, including terminating the Keystone Pipeline, he could solve this problem overnight.
But instead, he wants to waste more of your hard-earned money – and in doing so, he'll only make the problem worse.
John, when we print money, spend recklessly, and hand out indiscriminate stimulus checks, there are costs and consequences.
Right now, we're living with them.
And if Joe Biden and the Democrats are allowed to continue down this path, YOU will pay the price.
Thank you for your continued support and feedback.
Tom Schatz