Team: With redistricting nearly complete, the Cook Political Report released ratings for “Toss Up” House districts in 2022 – and SEVEN of them are NewDem Frontliners:

Cook Political Report has given these 7 NewDem seats “TOSS UP” status after they’ve already been named to the DCCC’s Frontline List – meaning these incumbents are the most vulnerable Democrats of the entire 2022 cycle.
These 7 NewDem women already did the impossible by flipping their districts from red to blue. Now they face the most competitive re-election challenges in the country. Will you help us ensure that we keep these 7 Toss Up seats from falling into Republican hands by pitching in $7 to NewDems today?
If you've saved your information with ActBlue express, your donation will go through automatically:
We’ve done the math, team, and Republicans can’t flip the House unless they take one of these 7 NewDem Toss Up districts. With your help, we can build a strong defensive ground game and ward off the Republicans vying to flip these seats.
Thank you,
NewDem Action Fund