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Dear John

It’s been an eventful couple of weeks with the announcement of Boris Johnson’s new energy strategy yesterday following Rishi Sunak’s Spring Statement in March. 

Both have considerable implications not just for the countryside and rural communities, but the ever-growing climate crisis - the biggest threat the countryside faces.

It’s great to see the government support towards generating more renewable energy, and we want to see that going to the best solutions first - like solar on rooftops and community-generated energy.

But it's concerning to read that the government has once again opened the door to fracking. That's why we're calling for smarter solutions to the energy crisis such as a rooftop-first approach to solar, more offshore wind and home insulation.

In case you missed it, last month we delivered a petition against the proposed new coal mine in Cumbria, which was signed by a total of 285,754. Together, with your help, we sent a clear message to the government: no new coal!

Now we’re calling on the government to urgently fix the planning system and put the climate emergency at the heart of planning decisions. And in a new report, we set out our vision for council farms that recognises their value, rejuvenates their purpose, and puts in place long-term protection, funding and support to make them flourish.

Lastly, did you know that April is Stress Awareness Month? With daylight hours increasing, we’ve got everything you need to experience the sights, sounds and smells of spring - why not take a copy of our new hedgerows guide on your countryside walks?

Watch: What does the Spring Statement mean for the countryside?


Check out our reaction to Rishi Sunak’s Spring Statement. We’re calling on the government to tackle the energy crisis and cost of living crisis in parallel with the climate crisis.

We're planning to fail on the climate emergency


Without urgent changes to national planning policy, reaching net zero by 2050 is impossible.

Our latest research has found that of the 24 local authority local plans adopted outside Greater London since the government’s net-zero target was set, only one has set out a quantified strategy for how to actually reduce their emissions. 

We are not going to hit net zero by accident – that's why we’re calling on the government to fix the planning system and put the climate emergency at the heart of planning decisions.

Why we love council farms and you should too!


The farming sector is currently facing unprecedented challenges. At this time, more than ever, we need to create opportunities in agriculture.  

Council farms hold the potential to support a new generation of sustainable farming. Not only are they a brilliant resource to local communities but provide young people with a route into farming.

Thank you for signing our petition against the Cumbria coal mine!


We joined Cumbrian locals, Friends of the Earth and Greenpeace in handing in a petition against the proposed new coal mine – with 285,754 of you adding your signature. We want to thank every single one of you!

And relax! A countryside walk in April 


With swallows returning to our skies, bluebells carpeting our woodlands and the dawn chorus lifting our spirits  - there’s so much to look forward to in spring.  

Be a part of what we stand for


Becoming a CPRE member is the best way to support a beautiful, thriving countryside for all. Not only will you be doing your part for the one of the UK's most influential environmental charities you’ll also receive some great perks! 

We have people all over the UK that can support you with the issues you care about such as climate change, public transport, affordable housing and more. 

You can choose from an individual membership or one for the whole family with a household membership.


Best wishes,


Tianna Ince

Marketing Assistant 

CPRE is funded by donations from people like you. Together, we can help our beautiful countryside thrive, for everyone’s benefit - now and for generations to come.

Like many other charities, we're still feeling the effects of the coronavirus pandemic. We rely on our supporters’ gifts as they enable us to continue resourcing our important campaigns today and into the future.

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