When researchers set out to investigate the exposure risks of plastic on human development, they hit a major snag: They were unable to find a control group.
That's right. There's no group of people on Earth that has not been exposed to the endocrine-disrupting chemicals leached by plastics2. And that’s because plastic is everywhere—in the air we breathe, the water we drink, the clothes we wear. Last year, scientists found microplastics in newborn baby poop3—yes, you read that right—at 10 times the levels ingested by adults!
Now, some good news. First, the UN Environment Assembly just adopted a plastics treaty called the most important international environmental agreement since the Paris Accord4. Secondly, our legislative advocacy team is working with our allies in Congress on a bill that would stop production of single-use plastics.
But Big Plastic has powerful backers to ensure plastic continues contaminating our food and water, fossil fuel production keeps darkening our skies, and the climate keeps getting hotter. We won't get meaningful change through a 50/50 Senate without you.
Supporter, you can help us stop the tide of plastic pollution, fight against the climate crisis, and protect future generations by becoming a monthly member. Join today and claim your FREE reusable tote bag!
Of course, microplastics themselves aren't the only source of harmful health outcomes. Plastics production comes with toxic air emissions and pollution—and researchers have linked living near the facilities that make plastic with increased rates of asthma, heart disease, birth defects, and more. And Black, Brown, and Indigenous communities are disproportionately affected by this pollution.
Then there's the fact that plastic is a byproduct of oil and gas production—which explains why, despite studies showing consumers want alternatives to plastic, change has been so hard. Petrochemical companies bet big on plastics, and won't fold without a fight.
Fortunately, no one knows how to take on Big Oil and Gas like the Sierra Club—but it’s going to take all of us, together, pushing Congress, regulators, and manufacturers themselves to make America the leader in solving the plastics crisis. We're also urging the Biden administration to take the lead in stopping plastic from polluting our communities and world.
Please, help us move both the United States and the global environmental community towards a plastics-free future with your monthly membership to the Sierra Club today + claim your FREE reusable Everybody Belongs Out Here tote bag.
In many ways, the terrible plastic pollution in the oceans, in our backyards, and in our bodies themselves feels like an unfair burden. After all, big corporations sold us a lie about "recyclable" plastic packaging, when only about 2% of all plastic is currently recycled5!
Now that we know the truth, we must use our power to refuse unnecessary plastics, be selective in the brands and packaging we choose and demand Congress pass the Break Free From Plastic Pollution Act. I hope we can count on your help and generosity again today.
With appreciation for your support,

Dan Chu
Acting Executive Director
Sierra Club
P.S. From using the purchasing power of the federal government to replace single-use plastic items with reusable products to denying permits for new or expanded plastic facilities and more, Joe Biden can become a #PlasticFreePresident6. Help push the White House, Congress, local governments, and corporations to do their part in solving the plastics crisis—start your Sierra Club monthly membership today + claim your FREE gift.
Photo Credit: Naja Bertolt Jensen, Unsplash modified with added text. |