From Republican Jewish Coalition <[email protected]>
Subject RJC E-Newsletter for November 21, 2019
Date November 21, 2019 11:32 PM
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— Featured —

Trump Resets US Policy on Settlements

On Monday, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced that the Trump administration has reversed the Obama administration’s approach towards Israeli settlements. He said <[link removed]>:

After carefully studying all sides of the legal debate, this administration agrees with President [Ronald] Reagan. The establishment of Israeli civilian settlements in the West Bank is not per se inconsistent with international law.

… Calling the establishment of civilian settlements inconsistent with international law hasn’t worked. It hasn’t advanced the cause of peace.

The hard truth is there will never be a judicial resolution to the conflict, and arguments about who is right and wrong as a matter of international law will not bring peace. This is a complex political problem that can only be solved by negotiations between the Israelis and the Palestinians.

The RJC applauded the move, saying <[link removed]>:

This is a historic decision by the Trump administration, one that recognizes the facts on the ground and the necessity of a negotiated peace between the parties to the conflict.

… President [Donald] Trump has demonstrated once again by his actions that he is willing to bring fresh thinking to the most difficult problems. This policy move is in line with American support for a negotiated peace that will guarantee the security of both Israelis and Palestinians.

For strong analysis of the background and implications of this policy change, please see:

- Jackson Richman: US announcement on Jewish settlements does not ‘close door’ on peace, says legal expert <[link removed]>

- Jake Novak: Why Trump’s decision on Israeli settlements will speed the peace <[link removed]>

- Alan Baker: Israel’s Rights in the West Bank Under International Law <[link removed]>

While Republican leaders such as Senators Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and Ted Cruz (R-TX) welcomed the move, Democratic presidential candidates – as well as Reps. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) and Ilhan Omar (D-MN) – condemned it <[link removed]>. So did the Jewish Democratic Council of America <[link removed]>. To no one’s surprise, the leftwing anti-Israel groups J Street and IfNotNow <[link removed]> also condemned the policy change. 

Jason Greenblatt Joins Republican Jewish Coalition Board

The RJC was honored to announce on Tuesday that the Honorable Jason D. Greenblatt, formerly Assistant to the President and Special Representative for International Negotiations for President Donald J. Trump, has been elected to the RJC Board of Directors. 

RJC National Chairman Senator Norm Colemansaid <[link removed]>:

Jason Greenblatt served our country admirably as an advisor to President Donald Trump and as someone passionately concerned for the security and peace of Israel. We commend his outstanding contributions to the US-Israel alliance and to the Trump Administration’s efforts to develop a plan for a stable, peaceful settlement of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

We are very excited that Jason Greenblatt’s first engagement since leaving the White House is in a leadership role with the Republican Jewish Coalition. The RJC represents tens of thousands of Jewish Republicans around the country. We have a terrific action plan for energizing and growing the Jewish Republican base and for bringing them out to support Republican candidates in 2020. We’re delighted that Jason will be part of our efforts.

RJC Leaders Meet in DC

Members of the RJC Leadership met in Washington, DC this week to discuss important issues such as: America’s foreign policy challenges; how the 2020 elections are shaping up; and how difficult it is to get things done in Congress when the Democrat majority in the House is singularly focused on impeachment.

The RJC was honored to welcome the following speakers: Brian Hook, advisor to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Iran; White House Political Director Brian Jack; Sen. Todd Young (R-IN), chairman of the National Republican Senatorial Committee; House Whip Steve Scalise (R-LA); Rep. Michael McCaul (R-TX), ranking member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee; Counselor to the President Kellyanne Conway; and Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick (R-PA).

As RJC National Chairman Senator Norm Coleman noted, we are all fortunate to have such outstanding, talented, dedicated, and wise men and women helping to lead our country. 


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March 13-15 in Las Vegas: RJC National Leaders are invited for a terrific weekend of politics, policy, and poker at the fabulous Venetian/Palazzo Resort and Hotel. Attendees will have the opportunity to hear from – and be heard by – some of the country’s foremost politicians, policy makers, and leaders, including featured speaker Ambassador Nikki Haley. It’s time to reserve your spot! Visit <[link removed]> for details and reservations. (This event is open to RJC Leaders; Leadership dues begin at the $1,000 donor level.)

• The Republican Jewish Coalition is hiring field staff for our advocacy efforts in support of President Donald J. Trump’s reelection in various battleground states.CLICK HERE <[link removed]> for details and application information. 

• The RJC PAC has endorsed a terrific slate of House and Senate incumbents, and we need them to continue their work on Capitol Hill! CLICK HERE to donate through the RJC PAC portal and show your support for our great candidates! <[link removed]>

And don't forget your RJC/Trump kippah!
Our extremely popular red Trump kippah is now for sale for just $18. This includes shipping and handling. Supplies are limited. 
BUY YOUR KIPPAH HERE. <[link removed]>

— Short Takes —

Malley in Wonderland <[link removed]>Tony Badran examines how President Barack Obama’s ‘progressive’ foreign policy vision—to backpedal away from the Middle East, fast, while kicking our former allies in the region to the curb—became the consensus in the DC swamp.

AG William Barr's remarks to the Federalist Society <[link removed]>

Attorney General William Barr gave an uplifting and informative speech this week about the Constitution’s approach to executive power. It is definitely worthy of your time. Video <[link removed]> / Transcript <[link removed]>

Arabs against boycotting Israel <[link removed]>

The Arab Council for Regional Integration, founded this week by 32 civic actors from 15 Arab countries, says that boycotting Israel has done harm to Arab countries and it’s time for the region to build inclusive regional cooperation instead.

Jewish-American diplomat begins to serve as Egypt Ambassador <[link removed]>

On Sunday, Jewish-American diplomat Jonathan Cohen arrived in Cairo, where he began to serve as the new US ambassador to Egypt. Cohen previously served as the Acting Representative of the United States to the United Nations, after Nikki Haley stepped down and before current Ambassador Kelly Craft took over the role. He also served at the US embassies in Iraq, France, Cyprus, Italy, Turkey, and Sweden. He was also deputy assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs covering Cyprus, Greece, and Turkey.

— Tweets —

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— Events —

Sandy Spring, GA - December 8, 2019

RSVP <[link removed]>

Hanukkah Reception with Sen. Ted Cruz
Houston, TX - December 16, 2019

SAVE THE DATE <[link removed]>

Las Vegas, NV - March 13-15, 2020

REGISTER TODAY <[link removed]>

Republican Jewish Coalition - 50 F St NW, Suite 100, Washington, DC 20001, United States
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