On Monday, the latest report by the UN International Panel on Climate Change warned that current climate pledges are not enough and it is “now or never” to save the world from climate disaster.



It’s been a pivotal week for the climate and cost of living crises.


Last weekend thousands took to the streets across England and Wales to protest at soaring energy prices and the rising cost of living.


On Monday, the latest report by the UN International Panel on Climate Change warned that current climate pledges are not enough and it is “now or never” to save the world from climate disaster.


But there's hope. The report told us loud and clear that if we stop the use of fossil fuels, we can change course for the better.


Yet three days later, the government published its UK Energy Strategy in which it gave the green light to more drilling for oil and gas,  provided no solutions to reducing energy demand, and prioritised costly and slow to create nuclear power.


We deserve better. Future generations depend on it. We need to get more Greens elected to local government to build a green and safe future for all.

The Green Party is the only party that's already leading an energy revolution that will reduce emissions and cut bills.


At our local election campaign launch on Tuesday, we pledged to invest in insulating and installing renewable energy in homes across England and Wales, like we did in the Lewes area where we worked with neighbouring councils to retrofit 40,000 council homes.

Image ID: Co-leaders Carla Denyer and Adrian Ramsay at our local election campaign launch.

We are not funded by big business. We are people powered and we need your help to get more Greens elected on 5 May.

-- The Green Party