Dear John,


This week, Ketanji Brown Jackson was confirmed to the Supreme Court by the U.S. Senate, becoming the first Black woman to serve on the highest court in the land. Regardless of one’s ideological bent, most Americans have acknowledged Judge Jackson’s elevation as a historic moment for the country that should be celebrated.
Not so with the radicals. The confirmation process was marred by hateful and conspiracy-driven narratives surrounding Judge Jackson’s judicial record, and the Republican senators who voted to confirm her were especially vilified. Make no mistake, “pedophilia” accusations are part and parcel of the QAnon conspiracy, and these hateful lies are intentionally playing to that radical conspiracy.
Here were some of the worst, most radical takes we found on Twitter:
Blake Masters (U.S. Senate. AZ): "Ketanji Brown Jackson white knighting for pedophiles — the state of the left in 2022."
Anthony Kern (State Senate, AZ): "KBJ has a warm spot for pedophiles."
Andrew McCarthy (U.S. House, NY-24): "So all of our institutions protect pedos now?"
Anthony Sabatini (U.S. House, FL-07): "The Democrat Party has officially become the pro-pedophilia Party"
Rep. Bob Good (U.S. House, VA-05): "Based on her lenient sentencing, she is Pro-Child Sex Predator. And yet our VA senators will vote to confirm."
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (U.S. House, GA-14): "Any Senator voting to confirm #KJB is pro-pedophile just like she is."
Mark McCloskey (U.S. Senate, MO): "The RINOs in DC just completely caved, allowing Biden to confirm his Critical Race Theory loving and pedophile sympathizer pick for the Supreme Court. Pathetic!"
Jerrod Sessler (U.S. House, WA-04): "What has this world come to? Has everyone had enough yet? Senators Murkowski, Collins, and Romney are pro-pedophile. They each just voted to confirm #KBJ."
Lavern Spicer (U.S. House, FL-24): "Watch your kids around Susan Collins, Lisa Murkowski AND Mitt Romney, because they’re voting to put through a SCOTUS justice who barely thinks child porn is a crime."
Joe Kent (U.S. House, WA-03): "Romney wants a pedophile apologist in the supreme court, your kids fighting WW3 & masks on our faces. He is our enemy, tread (sic) him as such."
This isn’t just political mudslinging. Aside from the obvious fact that it’s slanderous and grossly uncivil to baselessly accuse anyone of such a heinous crime, this rhetoric comes right from the QAnon playbook. We are facing multiple serious issues in this country. We can’t effectively address them if our lawmakers are hung up on conspiracy theories when they should be dealing in facts—or if they spend the bulk of their time smearing their colleagues on social media rather than doing the tough but necessary work of finding common ground and building on it.

It is RAM’s mission to build a national cross-partisan coalition that stands up for democracy and for the principles that make this nation strong—and to expose radicals everywhere as the charlatans that they are. Stay tuned for more updates soon, and please forward this Radical Report to someone you think needs to see it.

Renew America Movement



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